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Monday, December 18, 2017

See You Nexr Year

'Tis the Season and I will give no thought for the next 2 weeks to practical matters. So, until January 2, so long. Merry Christmas and Happy New Tear to all

Monday, December 11, 2017

Time to Recharge Your Batteries

The Holidays are wonderful, full of joy and family, parties and fiid, song and drink.

For retail businesses, this is a time to try to pull a profit out of so-so years.
If you work in retail outlets, this is the time of year to rack up overtime. You will be exhausted but better off financially by January 2.

But, many work at jobs that slow down a bit during the Holidays.The weather is curtailing ourdoor jobs. Few are remodeling homes when guesrs are arriving and no one wants to but washers and dryers when their bust buying Christmas presents.
Those who have a slow time during the Season need to take advantage. Slow down, rest and spend time with loved ones. Don't push, don't worry, just coast for a couple of weeks
At the same time. don't be too obvious. Don't sit with your feet up on your desk at work, sipping egg nog and dozing Show some respect and hide when you goof odd. Your boss will still know your slacking off, but he doesb;t want his nise rubbed in it.

I really want all of you to goof off as much as possible for the rest of the year.. Next year figures to be a bit hectic.

Monday, December 4, 2017

'Tis the Season to Get Chubby

Yes, the Holidays are here and so are the cookies and egg nog and alcohol and stuffing and pie and, well you get the idea. I, like most of you, intend to enjoy myself and indulge, occasionally to excess.

The important word there is occasionally. You do not want to leave the Season 30 pounds overweight, suffering from acid reflux and fighting your blood pressure. In fact, for those with hifg blood pressure and/or diabetes, the holidays can be a dangerous time,

The answer is simple and as old as man, use moderation. One cookie, nit three, Ine spoon of poraries, bit half the bowl. More of those food veggies and fruits and less ham and gravy.

We are social creatures and love sharing the good things of life with our fellow humans, but the important thing is sharing the sense of celebration and fellowship, The food and drink should always be secondary/

I know that you hear the same warnings and admonitions year after year, but there is a good reason for that. They are true . Enjoy the Season, but please take it easy. Start your New Year healthy and ready to roll. We all have much to do next year. And, allow me one more warning that you are likely tired of, bur it cannot be stressed enough/ Do not even think of driving of you have had more than one small drink and watch other drivers, especially late at night. Have fin, buy use your head.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"Tis the Season to Go Broke

I love Christmas as much as anyone and I certainly hate to be The Grinch, but folks need to use a bit of self control during the Season.

Already, I am seeing people go somewhat insane with shopping fever, a condition that never ends well. Do not spend more than you can afford and try to stay away from credit. if you cannot pay cash, do not buy it,

We all would like nothing better than to give our loved ones whatever their hearts desire, but that is not possible. Those nasty old landlords, car dealers, finance companies and grocers just refuse to grant payment amnesty through the Holidays. They, Scrooge-like, want their money and, if you are honest, so do you. Most folks would not be happy if their employers stopped paying them for the Season.

Then, after New Year, come the bills. If you have used credit, you had best pay them immedieately, in full, or you begin dealing with interest, and you will never catch up, unless you grow very thrifty and disciplined. Start with those  assets and avoid insane spending and save yourself the grief..

The Christmas Season is fun and family and, for many, a deeply spiritual time You can enhit akk od these things without going broke. Junior may nit get that video gane he wants and may sulk a bit but, I'm sure he'll enjoy having a roof over his head next year.

Use your head and have a Merry Christmas..

Monday, November 20, 2017

Cooking Fun

Being practical does not mean you cannot have fun. Thanksgiving is a prime example.
I love the traditional foods but a bit of variation can be great, You do not have to use seasoned bread crumbs as stuffing. I have used potatoes, peeled and mixed with olives and onion, Try wild rice with fruits or fruit preserves.  Couscous works well with some capers and mint or cilantro. If you use bread crumbs consider sourdough and you can add sausage or oysters.

Like mashed potatoes? Mix them with mashed turnip roots or parsnips or.
For  a different ham glaze try a mango chutney. In fact, a fine way to use leftover turkey is to make tacos with mango salsa.

For veggies, try roasting root vegetables Just cut them to a small, but not tiny  size, and toss with any herbs and olive oil. place them in a single layer on a baking sheet pan and toast until brown and tender, maybe 15 minutes. They are outstanding.

 Use your imagination, have some fun and have a Happy Thanksgiving..

Monday, November 13, 2017


Turkey day is just around the corner. Hooray, But, for many, it is a day of high stress. There is no need to stress out, have fun.

To start with, don't over do it. You do not have to cook 40 dishes, just a bit of variety.

A huge turkey and/or ham is pretty, but off you only have a few guests, go small and decorate more.

Ask everyone to bring a  dish. Most folks like to show off their specialties and this allows you to concentrate on the center of attraction.

Do not be ashamed of not cooking the whole dinner, If you have little room, talent, or time, order a meal from any of the many catering services and concentrate on the decoration  and ambience. This is especially true of desserts. They can be  messy and time consuming.

A social tip: do not start serving alcohol until dinner is about to start. If you do, serve  something mild with appetizers. Alcohol on empty stomachs is a sure way to ruin a nice party./

Remember. the food is great, but the point of Thanksgiving is to gather  and celebrate friends and family. Have fun. Happy Thanksgiving,

Monday, November 6, 2017

Wunter's Coming

Jack Frost is knocking at the doo. Well, actually, je doesn't; knock. Je barges on in. Some like him, some don't, but either way, je can be a nice guest is you are ready.

Out doors, clean up your yard before snow and ice arrive. Trash left for the season gets kind of funky when Spring gets there. If you garden, take care of any plants you hope to have next year, each has its own needs. Tend to any lawn equipment that will be put away for the Winter; you want it ready to go in the Spring.

If you love in an extreme climate, tend to your vehicle/ Winter can be very hard on cars and trucks.

If you have pets that spend part of their days outdoors, make sure they have a warm shelter, a place to get out of the wind and rain. And, please, when the weather turns extreme, take them inside.

Check furnaces. If you use electric heaters, check the wiring. Make sure you have adequate weather stripping. It will help keep heating bills down.

Then, sit`back and enjoy Winter.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A Simple Way to Cook

Fixing dinner is a boring, difficult thing for any folks. Here is an easy, cheap and flexible way to handle it.

Cook some pasta, any type. While that cooks, chop veggies,  say onion, peppers, carrots, celery, whatever you want, anything. Pan cook some meat, burger, sausage, or add ant leftover meats. Your choice. Add yurt veggies and cook until done. Add cooked, drained pasta and some grated cheese and, quock as that, you gave dinner.

Add what you want. A can of beans works. Use any cheese/ Substitute left over gravy for pasta sauce. Use butter or olive oil in the sauce. Use rice or potatoes instead of pasta. Any herbs or seasonings you want.

You end up with a tasty, healthy, cheap meal, enough to feed any family and you get a bonus. Save any left overs and they are better the next day.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Winter is On the Way

Where I live bow, it is hot and steamy. Tropical weather is still drifting around and California is blazing. But, like it or not, winter is coming

The Practical American will be ready when the cold wind blows.

That wind is an issue. Be sure that your weather stripping is in good shape. . That cold air will find every little gap and your heating bill may soar. Just checking that stripping may help keep you warm and save you a bundle.

Look at your winter clothing. If you need new jackets and caps and globes, buy them now. In the fall, stores have a large winter selection. Once the cold hits, the selection thins. This is especially true of thermal underwear.
Make sure your heating system is in working order. If you wait until the freeze hits, you may wait days for service.

Finally, is you live in the lands of snow and ice, make sure you have the needed attachments for your tires, such as chains and keep some rock salt to prevent slipping and sliding around your property/

Then, enhot the new season

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Stay Cool

Well, all hell seems to have broke loose in America. What can the Practical American do?

Stay cool, di nit panic and do not despair. This too will pass. If you five in to panic and despair, you will lose. It is essential for all of us to keep a cool head..
Admittedly, 3 major hurricanes and a mass shooting are extreme, but we must keep working, keep smiling and keep having fun.

Go out, be fearless, but use your head. We will prevail.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Take Stock of uoir Life

Here and there, from time to time, It is a good idea, a practical idea, to take stock of your life. Where you're going, where you've been and the routes you need to travel can all get blurry over time.

It may be time to sit down, alone  or with the adult members of your household and check the books, financial, physical and spiritual. Be honest but be fair. Stay calm and remain open. Hide nothing. Clear the air. Don't ne dead serious but avoid silliness.

It is a good idea to rake stock of your life. You will function more efficiently. When done treat everyone to ice cream and a drink

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Watch the Weather

At the risk of sounding alarmist, let me say that things are a might strange of late. How strange? Well, in a very short period the UA has been hit by 2 Category 4 hurricanes. Now, Puerto Rico is being hammered by yet another Category 4 storm. Category 4 storms are rare, very rare. The Eastern Islands have also had to deal with Jose and, yes it too was Category 4.

The Atlantic and Gulf Waters are generally in the low to mid 80s this tome of year. Now they are near 90. And storm season runs until December 1. They are rare after mid=October, but this year, who knows?

In addition, Mexico just got nailed by a strong earthquake. It seems that Mother Nature is pissed at us. Can'y blame her. We have not been good stewards.

The Practical American will note all of this and have emergency plans and supplies. Don't go nuts. You don't need to become a survivalist, just use your head. And. maybe try to get on better terms with the Earth.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Stay Prepared

At the risk of being redundant, I want to remind everyone to stay prepared for emergencies. Keep supplies and have a plan. Then, pay attention to news and weather reports. Never panic. Simply be ready.

Tge nightmare occurring in Houston is an act of Nature. These will grow more frequent as the climate continues changing. Sorry, that is just the way it is.

Be ready and you will get along fine. Get caught unprepared and you will have an awful problem

Pray for those on Texas.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Use Your Braib

The old saying goes, 'use it or lose it.' Well, that applies to your brain. Things are changing and changing fasr and the Practical American knows that he ot she will need that brain.

It is all well and good to sit around on occasion sipping beer and watching sports but that should be a treat, not a habit.

Use that brain. Work puzzles, read, study. Learn a new skill, walk the neighborhood observing everything closely. Keep a journal, learn a language. On short, so anything to keep your mind active.

The brain gets used to patterns and, over time, grow reluctant to leave those patterns. Then, when you need to learn something new, it will be very difficult. And rest assured, to survive the next few years, you will beed to leatn. Believe me. Things will move fasr and you will need to be nimble.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bottled Water

U am becoming more and more annoyed with people walking atound with water bottles. It has been firmly established that all of that plastic is fouling the environment. WE di not have enough space for landfill and recycling that much plastic is not cost effective. Yet still, every time I see an athlete or celebrity on TV they are carrying water.

Believe me, none of them is in danger of dying of thirst and there are generally sources of water in buildings.That bottled water is no better for you. It usually just tap water run through a simple filter. If you ate that concerned with pollutants, just but a filter, although, in truth, most city tap eater is just fine.

In addition, you do not need to constantly sucking down water. Get a good glass of water, drunk it and you're set for awhile. Too much water is almost as bad as too little. It makes you sluggish and mentally confused.

If you are going to be away from a source of water for awhile, get a thermos, fill it and you';; do jyst fine. And think, that thermos is reusable, so no more carrying bottles and spending money needlessly.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Get Down to Business

We Americans lobe to play. Nothing wrong with that, but we used to know when it was time to get serious. Now, we are bombarded with reality TV, superhero movies and an endless array of video games. IN fact, we are so silly, we elected a reality TV sow host to be President. Enough.

There are problems apkenty in this land. To solve them we need to stop playing and get to work We are facing climate change  on an unthinkable scale, but we have to think about it. WE are, and will continue to, lose jobs as robotics takes further hold. How will we deal with that. The rest of the World loathes us and we must deal with our rapidly fading image as the Big Dog of the World. These are but a few of the issues facing Americans. I am sure you can think of more.

Barman will not solve our problems, nor will any of the countless Pop stars that rule the airwaves. Real Housewives and football players are not going to fix things. And if you are waiting on politicians, God help us all/

Think, learn. Figure ways out  of your problems and share what you learn with friends and family. If you have kids, encourage them to learn and to value work. Take care of your health and your mind. Stay away from junk food and junk thought. Be moderate in your habits and tolerant of others. Learn and practice good manners. Take care with your appearance.

I do not want to be a total buzz kill. I love fun and everyone needs a break from their daily grond. But, there is a time and place for everything and right now, Americans need to get serious..

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Storm Season

It's  that time of year again, and the Practical American will be ready for storms. Along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf, you need to keep an eye out for Tropical weather.

Remember: a Category 1 storm can do a lot of damage. Even a simple tropical storm can down power line and bring massive rainfall. Also, a storm does not have to be a direct hit. The eye wall is certainly the strongest part, but outside that, there is still high winds, heavy rain, and along the coast there will likely be  a storm surge.

Pay attention to all forecasts. They likely will not be 100% accurate, but they will give you an idea of what is going on. As the storm gets near, listen constantly. The forecasts will get more specific and more accurate.

You will need supplies. First, portable radios and lots of batteries. Second, flashlights or battery powered lanterns, again, with extra batteries.

Canned and dried foods, crackers, cookies, anything not needing refrigeration. If you aree desparate for hot food, get a camp stove, or sterno (be careful). Remember, you cannot grill on your barbeque until all is clear.( please, don't bring the grill near your house. fire
and carbon monoxide poisoning are dangers).

Get a good first aid kit and learn how to use it. Keep fire extinguishers handy. Emergency aid will not come out in a hurricane.

Make sure you have 2 cell phones and keep them charged. Use them only in an emergencies

Stay inside until you are positive you are safe. If you are in the eye, remember, the storm is not over. Avoid puddles. On foot, you may find one with a live power line in it and you will be dead. If the puddles are deeo, do not drive. Your car will be dead. Watch for critters: snakes will come out to find dry land and, in the south, gators may float up to your house.

If lucky, we won't have any storms, but you really do need to be prepared.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Take Care of Your Eyes

A quick note. I am having eye problems and can barely see what I am typing/ Please, rake care of your vision. It is really difficult without it.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I love meat, burgers, steaks, roast, etc, but, practicality matters, and beef is going to become a 'sometimes thing,' as Cookie Monster says of his beloved cookies. Sorry, the World is changing, growing crowded, overly hot, and dry un some places, tropically wet in others.

It takes a lot of room. food and water to raise cattle and a lot of room and water to raise the food for cattle. We will not have that luxury much longer so say so long to sirloin. While your at it, get used to goat cheese and milk.

Pork is pretty easy to raise but, be sure you trust your hog raiser. Pugs will  quite happily and successfully live on garbage, so make sure your source takes proper care of the porkers.

Chicken and Turkey will become mainstays of our diet. Please try to get free range. They are healthier and coop raising birds is obscenely cruel.

Fish? Well, rivers and oceans are not too productive these days and are terribly polluted. A tiny cod filet now costs what a huge chunk used to cost. Also, eating small filets means that fishermen are taking the young, before they have had time to reproduce a few times. Soon, they will become rare. Farm raised fish is great but, and I cannot stress this enough, buy only fish farmed in the US and Europe. The fish farms in the rest of the World are the equivalent of septic talks.

There is another fine source of animal protein that should become widely available and cheap, but there is a problem. I am talking about rabbits. They cost little to raise, are reasonably clean and they are delicious, lean and tasty. The problem, no one seems to relish the thought of eating cute little bunnies. Well, get over that. My Dad, during the Depression, kept rabbits, both for the family table, and to sell. He said that he grew to loathe the little critters but loved the meat and money. So put aside thoughts of Bugs Bunny and Peter Cottontail and get ready to eat some very tasty and healthy rabbit.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Get Ready to Move

Just a short note today. My eyes are bothering me.

Any practical American living near the ocean needs to be ready to move, sell out and head inland quickly. This not panic, just reality.

Look around on line and you will find that flooding is becoming quite an issue along the Atlantic Coast. S. Florida, especially Miami Beach; North Florida, around Jacksonville; Louisaian; the Texas Gulf Coast, especially Houston and Corpus Christi; all along the New Jersey coast.  High tide often brings water inland, any significant rainfall adds to the problem.

I;m not talking puddles. {umps are needed and run almost constantly in Miami Beach. The thing is, all the natural barriers have been ruined and the areas are now all concrete. Water comes in and has no where to go.

Add to this the rising sea levels and increasingly weird weather and you wee the problem.

Face it, the climate is changing. It may be human activity is causing it, maybe its Solar activity, maybe just a natural cycle, or even Ancient Aliens come back to muck up our lives (they are very upset the the History Channel cut their show), but none of that matters at this time. The fact is, the climate is changing. Want more proof. O live near Savannah, Ga. There has been no tropical activity there in a couple of centuries, yet last year, we had 3 tropical storms and a hurricane. There is a storm now hitting the gulf Coast and June storms are as rare as teeth in a chicken.

The Practical American would be figuring out how to move inland before the rush begins

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


I seem to see a lot of younger folks smoking. I am not going to preach an anti-smoking sermon. I smoked, a lot, for about 45 years. Recently, I have had a severe sinus infection and there is nothing like having difficulty breathing to get your attention. Well, as I coughed my brains out while trying to smoke during this infection, my brain, as dysfunctional as it sometimes is, got the message. I quit.

It really has not been bad  I use nicotine lozenges and walk a lot. On the past, I tried everything and time and again, lasted about a week. I seem to have finally gotten over this awful habit.

I grew up around heavy smokers, but they started before we knew the health risks. Also, in those days, a pack of cigarettes cost about a quarter. There really is no excuse for those my agel we were just dumb, but at least they were still cheap.

I don't quite understand the younger smokers I see.. They certainly knew the hazards and the darn things cost $5 a pack(yes, there are cheaper brands, but they taste4 awful and I', not too sure what they really are). This is decidedly not practical. Add to that, the cost they add to your medical issues, the fact that insurance is much higher for smokers and the fact thatthey impair your breathing and, ultimately slow you down, and there is no excuse.

In addition, more and more, smokers are treated almost as social outcasts, and believe me, when you stop, you realize how vile they smell and begin to understand other's negative reaction. All in all, there is little positive about the whole foul habit.

If you smoke, do whatever it takes, therapy, drugs, hypnosis, anything it takes, but quit. If you are young, don't start and if you do, realize than it is much easier to quit after a few months than it is after 45 years Plus, a half a pack a day, at $5 a pack runs you  somewhere around $875 a year, and I'm sure you can find better uses for that money.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Air Conditioning

Summer is here and, if you're like most folks, your AC is humming away. Thank God, we invented those things. However, they can run up your electrical bill very quickly.

There are a few things you can do to help keep that bill down. First and foremost, keep the filter clean. It is easy to forget to check them, but clogged filters make the AC run much harder with less results. I check ours about once a week and clean it, even if it does not look dirty, to remove any oily film that might be building up. Of course, ours is a washable filter and just rinsing it does the job. If yours is a replaceable filter, you can still brush off surface dirt or even vacuum it, but, din't go too long without replacing it. After all, they are cheap and electric bills are not.

If you have a window unit, keep items away from the front and back of the unit. You need a free flow of air to keep it running well. Also, keep the front of thr unit, where the filter is covered, very clean; if it is dirty and gummy, you get poor air flow.

If you have a central unit that sits on the ground, keep the area around it clean of leaves and debris. If the unit seems to be running poorly, remove the covers and check the copper coils. If they are dirty, they are easy to clean and any hardware store will sell the cleaner. Check the air handler, the inside part of the unit, and if it is holding water, clean that out and clean out the line that carries water away. Pour some bleach, not much, through the line since you likely have an algae build up. If all of this seems too much bother, get a service contract with a reliable company and have them service the entire unit on a regular basis.

I have lived in hot climates with no AC and it is not pleasant; neither are sky high electric bills. Take care of your air conditioner.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Free Yourself from the Internet

This may seem a bit hypocritical, but I am urging folks to cease their dependence on the internet. Mind you, it is useful at times and should be used appropriately, but all too many of us are overly dependent. Use it when needed for business or research, maybe a tiny bit for recreation, then get off

I am urging this because of recent events in my life. For about the last 2 weeks, I have had a lot of vision problems. Reading was impossible, TV watching was difficult, and I even had trouble crossing streets. Much of this was due to allergies and I will write more about that later, but computer use did not help. How do I know that? Easy, I quit using my computer fro most of 2 weeks. My eyes stopped burning, my vision is less blurred. I still have the allergies but simply staying aqay from computer screens has made a world of difference.

There are other benefits. I have spent more time exercising and more time talking and listening to actual people instead of communicating with electronic entities. Also, staying way from glaring and rapidly changing images has steadied my brain a bit.

Give it a try and lessen your dependence on computers. Use them when you musr, but do not overdo it. Glance away from the screen often. get a screen glare reduction device and increase the size of the print you are viewing. Take care of your eyes.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Protect Your Eyes

I have not written much recently due ro eye issues. I have cataracts and  while I can still see fairly well, computer glare is increasingly hard to deal with computer glare.

Do not stare lor long periods at a screen. It is damaging. If you must use a computer for long periods, look away often. Use moisturizing drops. So not spend a lot of time staring at TV after working with your computer.

If you ust spemd long periods on your computer, gey a glare reduction device.

Take care of your eyes. They are not replaceable.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


One of the most costly and most overlooked problems in any house is water leaks. It is so easy to ignore little drips, thinking, 'oh, I can take care of that later; it's not bad. A toilet that runs too long, a faucet, that seeps water around the edge, a pool that you are constantly adding water to, a soft spot in your lawn made by a sprinkler line leak, all of these cost.

I have, in a previous post discussed fixing pipes. It is easy and so are other plumbing issues. A leaky faucet my be as simple to fix as just tightening the fitting at its bottom. Water doesn't quite shut off? Simple. Turn off the water going to the faucet; there are usually shut off s nearby. Remove the faucet and find the washer on the bottom and the rubber O-ring a bit higher up, and replace them.

Toilet running? Replace the fluid master. Just pay attention to how you remove the old on and put the new one in the same way.

Have a drip from a faucet handle? Look where the faucet stem goes back into the assembly; you will see a nut. Tighten that and, usually, that will solve the problem.

A quick note. When you tighten any plumbing parts, you just need to get them nice and snug. Do not crank down on them like King Kong. They will break. I know because I have done that.

Another note. When screwing fittings together, use Teflon tape and/or pipe dope. They make for a better seal. Do not cross thread the fittings. If they resist tightening, stop immediately and begin again. If you jeep trying to tighten them, you will ruin the fittings.

As always, if you do not feel comfortable doing the repairs yourself, do not do them. Call a plumber. They are not cheap, but wasting water is far more expensive. Water is becoming a commodity that is more and more precious and it is both morally and financially unacceptable to waste it. A slow leak can cost you a hundred gallons a day or more. Check periodically for leaks and fix them immediately.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Don't Count Your Chickens

The old saying goes, 'don't count your chickens before they hatch.' Old sayings linger because they have truth. No matter which side you voted for, things have not turned out the way you thought they would.

Voted for Clinton? Well, the Nation has not gone down the drain. The economy is unchanged, health care is still around and we have not yet started burning coal and further polluting the Planet. Gay folks still have rights, as do other minorities, and the Constitution has not been revoked.

Voted for Trump? Well, the economy is not booming, health care is still not repealed and we are not mining vast quantities of coal or sinking countless new oil wells. Minority rights are still intact and the proposed budget is not a huge change.

The point of this post is not to be political. I am trying to point out that, when counting on radical change, positive or negative, you are engaging in useless and often dangerous speculation. Do not despair when change seems just around the corner. Do not celebrate when it seems that you are finally going to get your way. Things have a way of moderating. That is just human nature.

The wise and Practical American will just keep his/her eyes open, watch what's happening, and be ready to move in appropriate directions, or, as the great band Little Feat said, 'Roll With It.'

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ornamental Vegetables

I assume that most of you have your gardens going. If not, shame on you, unless you live in the extreme North.

If you are growing vegetables, do not think you have to sacrifice beauty. There are many vegetables that are very attractive, as lovely as any flowering annual.

I love ornamental broccoli and kale. After all, broccoli that you eat is just an unopened flower. The ornamental varieties are as easy to grow and very pretty.  I lived near a subdivision that used these broccolis and a ruffle leaf kale with purple variegated leaves to a fine effect.

Okra has a magnificent flower that resembles a cross between a hibiscus and a pansy. In addition, once the flower passes, you are left with attractive, interesting pods. Tomatoes, besides their taste and nutrition add nice color to any garden.

Herb gardens, with their assortment of greenery are always attractive.

My point is this: be daring and do what pleases you. Do not hesitate to display beautiful vegetables as proudly as you display your roses and petunias. You can find edible plants that make fine editions to your landscape, and, if you are an apartment gardener, you can add color and texture to your plantings while growing a healthy vegetable; a rare example of having your cake and eating it, too.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Watch Prices

Our President is pushing the notion that everything we buy should be American made. In theory, fine, but here's the snag. Companies will have to pay American workers more, a lot mote, than they pay folks in Malaysia or Guatemala. They, even if they are still seeing obscene profits, will pass that cost onto you. Even of they get that promised huge tax cut, they will pass that increased labor cost onto the consumer. This is not a very moral behavior, but businesses are not known for a deep interest in moral behavior.

So, we will see inflation. When you stop seeing all of those cheap imports from China and India at your local Walmart, you, the consumer, will be aghast. Here's what you need to do.

Inflation tends to spiral. It grows rapidly. The Fed will try to control it by manipulating interest rates. That will work to some degree, but there will be inflation. That raise you just got, if you're lucky, will not seem so big. Neither will your savings, if you have any. Eventually, the cycle will reverse, at least it always has, but no one will know when.

When you see prices rising (do not depend on government statements about interest; they only monitor certain products and services), start buying a few extra items. I am not encouraging hoarding, just stocking up on essentials, non-perishable foods, clothing, etc. Remember, your money will be worth less, so buy while the prices are lower.

Do not resort to credit. Remember, the Fed will be playing games with interest rates. Also, and it pains me to say this, don't worry a lot about saving money until the trend reverses. Remember, a $1000, in a time of inflation, is worth a lot less than it did when you put it in the bank. Also, watch those interest rates. If you lock into an account giving 3% interest and inflation jumps to 5%, you are locked into a losing deal.

For the moment, keep paying down debts and saving a little. Who knows? All of Trump's plans may fall a part and the economy might just keep staggering along as is. But, if you see prices creeping higher, be ready and act.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

When You're Wrong, You're Wrong

The Practical American knows when to admit mistakes. No point being stubborn; just say the words, I was wrong.

For example, I believed the hype, fell for the con, and believed that the Trump Administration would actually improve the job market. Boy, was I wrong. It seems that all of those companies he claimed he had negotiated with to keep jobs in this Country were planning on staying anyway.

Then came the latest job report, which I noticed was not much reported. There was good reason for that. The projected number of new jobs was about 260000, not a great number, but not bad. The actual number was 98000, a number reminiscent of the Great Recession days.

Well, again, I was wrong. Having admitted that, there is only one thing to do, move on and adjust plans. How you adjust yours is up to you. Personally, I would start looking fpr extra jobs and new lines of work, just so you have as many options as possible. As always, pay down your debts and avoid using credit as much as possible. Things are going to get rough.

Ad mitting your wrong, about any subject is liberating. It frees you from clinging to mistakes and opens the future,

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Be Specific and Precise

Be specific. That, in any craft work or any repair, and even in some cooking, is the essence of success. Know exactly what you want to accomplish and follow a predetermined set of plans. Don't improvise. Don't try to make do.

Know what you need for the task and assemble your materials and tools. Precisely measure everything. I cannot emphasize that enough. The old rule of carpentry is 'measure twice, cut once.' That is completely true.

In addition. if you are building anything in 3 dimensions, which is pretty much everything, measure your angles. Even something as simple as a box will be a total mess if you don't make sure you have pure right angles. A miter, meant to be cut at, say 45 degrees, will be a useless mess if it is 44 degrees.

Need  a circle? use a tool, say a piece of string, anchored at one spot, with a marker tied to the end, and make a perfect one. If you try to freehand it, you will botch things.

Even in cooking, an art that often allows improvisation, there are sometimes recipes that must be followed to the letter. If I am making a stew, I can toss in whatever I want, however it suits me, and the results will at least be edible. If i am baking a cake, I must follow the recipe and measure the amounts. A bit too little flour and it falls apart; too much and I end up with a very tasty doorstop.

The point is that some things must be done by-the-letter correct. Make your jobs simple by being precise.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Think Local

First, a note of warning. The other day, for dinner, I ate a product containing lentils. After eating a few bites, I noticed that many of those lentils were crunchy, undercooked. Do not eat undercooked lentils, unless you enjoy 3 days of stomach cramps and trips to the bathroom. It seems that, whe undercooked, they contain toxins. I can verify that.

Now, what I really want to say is that you need to start acting and thinking locally. Deal with local businesses whenever possible. Produce stands and Farmers' Markets, small clothing stores and bookshops, locally owned and operated businesses. small owner operated restaurants, these are vitally important.

Why? Well, it seems that our current administration is corporate oriented. Trump was telling the truth when he said that he wanted Washington to give up control of businesses, What he didn't say, and it is becoming very apparent, is the he is giving much of that control over to Corporate America. Corporations thrive by picking off small businesses, thus growing their own interests. They are predators.

The thing is, once we give the Nation over to those mega businesses, we lose diversity and innovation. We also lose the drive to improve. We become mediocre, settling for what they tell us we want. We lose what has made this Nation such a dynamic place to live.

I hate to bring up the fascist label, but when the government combines with big corporations to control the country, that is, by the definition of the word, fascism.

I grew up in a thriving Nation, full of quirky, ornery, creative individuals. Without your support for local businesses, that will be lost and that will be a shame.

Yes, shopping locally may cost you a dollar or two more, but I guarantee you that you will get better quality and more variety. And, you will have the good feeling of knowing that you have helped preserve our fine American spirit.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


I am issuing an alert to all gardeners. Try to avoid all pesticides. Grow pest resistant varieties of vegetables, fruits and ornamentals. If you have pests, try a non-chemical solution to the problem. There are two. One, keep an eye on your garden. If you see unwanted insects, pull them off by hand (wearing gloves, of course) and kill them. Or, put a high power nozzle on a hose a wash them off, then squash them. Also, realize that one or two bugs are not a problem; you just don't want an infestation.

Why the concern? Simple. Bees. As any gardener knows, bees are your friends. They are pollinators and darn near every plant you grow, needs pollination. An announcement was made the other day. We now have an endangered species of bees. This is a trend that has been going on for years. More and more bees are dying off, probably due to a combination of pesticides,, disease and loss of habitat.

I am not by nature an alarmist, but this is serious. Without bees, many crops will be difficult, if not impossible, to  grow. Food prices will skyrocket and famine will result, and not just in all those third world countries that you see on the news.

We must change our cultivation habits.

Monday, March 20, 2017


Time is money. So goes the old saying and it is very true. That is why, whenever you think about doing a job yourself, take a moment to figure out how long it will take. I am all for do-it-yourself job, but you need to think first.

For example. Say you have a plumbing problem and you are sure that you can handle the job yourself. Think of the steps involved. Once you diagnose the problem, you have to go get parts. Okay, you head to the hardware store. If, like many, you go to Home Depot, plan on being there a while. I have seldom been there when they have short lines (I have stood in lines at 6 AM). Of course, you also have your travel time. And there is an issue if you need help from a store worker; they are all too often overwhelmed with customers.

Then, of course, you have the time you spend doing the work. Be honest. How good are you at plumbing. Most folks see a job and think, "how easy, no more than a few minutes and I'm done." Well, if you are good at it, true. If you have never done it before, maybe not so true. Now, you have to learn some way and you cannot learn of you don't try, but think about how pressed you are. If you have hours with nothing to do, great. If you are trying to get done in a few minutes so you can make your kid's soccer match, think twice, because if you are not familiar with the job, believe me, it will take more time than you think and the more you rush, the longer it will take.

As a rule of thumb, figure the cost of parts and then place a value on your time. How much is up to you. Let's make up a number, $15/hour, not an outrageous price. Suppose you allow two hours to drive to your store, pick out the parts and wait in line and get home. Then figure and hour to do the job. Now, if the parts come to $25 (remember, I'm just making up reasonable estimates), you are looking at $70. It is possible that you may find a licensed handyman service that will do the job for less (it is unlikely that you will get a real plumber for less) And, remember, I am assuming that the work goes as planned. You never know what unexpected difficulties may arise.

I do not want to discourage ant do-it-yourselfers. I am all for saving money by fixing things yourself, but I do believe it a good idea to make sure you are really saving money. Remember, time is money.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


It to write today about one of my favorite foods, mushrooms. Mushrooms are a fascinating life form. They are not animal, but they are also not exactly plants. Some biologists think they belong in a separate kingdom.

But, this is not a biology blog. Mushrooms are too frequently relegated almost to a garnish. Folks throw a few on a steak or salad to fancy them up. Sometimes, maybe some are tossed in a pasta sauce or omelet as a flavor element, but they actually do very well as the main ingredient.

Let mushrooms take the center and enhance them with garlic, onions, etc. and they taste will amaze you. They are cheap,  cook quickly, and satisfy hunger nicely, filling bur not too heavy. They are also nutritious.

In recent years, all sorts are available, portabellas, porcini, criminis, shitakes, and many others, but, today, I want to sing the praises of the button mushroom.

In the past, in America, the button mushroom was the mushroom of choice. Then, came all of the more exotic types, and, suddenly, the button became a shunned ingredient. While all the others are very good, the button is easily as tasty and has one bug advantage - it is much cheaper.

Just because an ingredient is exotic, does not make it more desirable, and it certainly does not justify higher cost. Use the button mushroom, save, money and enjoy its pleasant flavor. Use mushrooms to enhance flavor and as a main dish ) they are excellent meat substitutes.

One word of warning: unless you are highly trained, do not eat wild mushrooms. You may get lucky and pick a good one, or you may wind up in an emergency room.

Monday, March 13, 2017


I was raised in a society that valued manners. It worked.

Now, I am seeing a culture that seems to have little use for the niceties of life. It does not work.

I am not talking Emily Post manners. I don't care of you don't use the right fork at a dinner or fail to hold out your pinky when sipping tea.

I do care about folks being civil to each other. If someone does something for you, thank them. I you say 'hello, you should get an answer. A few cordial words exchanged is even better, but some response is not asking too much.

In personal matters, manners are nice. On business, they should be mandatory.

In stores, in recent years, I find many, if not most employees to be rude. I am sometimes ignored or get a curt, half-mumbled response. I hear employees talking, across aisles about their personal issues, often interspersed with loud obscenities.

I assume that management no longer cares about this because, frequently they are standing nearby during these conversations. Sometimes they are even participating.

I am not overly sensitive and I have no objection to people talking while they work, but I do believe that some restraint and common courtesy is called for.

A polite society is one that shows it respects each individual. I am convinced that we no longer do so and that is a shame. Try showing some respect and manners and you will get my business.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Buy Local

I wrote recently about the dangers of eating imported produce, even when just imported from the other coast. This warning applies to other foods as well.

And this is not just for safety reasons. Quality is also an issue/ The longer something is stored the more the quality goes down. If you but tomatoes locally grown, you will likely get a ripe, juicy flavorful tomato. If you get a tomato grown across the country, that tomato was picked green, shipped, then gassed to appear ripe. It will be tasteless.

Have you ever eaten fresh killed poultry. The taste is nothing like poultry that has been frozen and shipped. I have nothing against frozen or even canned poultry, but if you have a market dealing in fresh killed poultry, take advantage.

I certainly have nothing against frozen or canned vegetables or fruit. They are much better that so0called fresh produce that is picked and shipped thousands of miles. But, if you have a local farmer's market, again, take advantage while things are in season.

The same applies to seafood. Be careful though. Fish that is frozen is frozen as soon as it leaves the water, and the taste is almost as good as fresh. What is sold on markets as fish, is often frozen that has been defrosted. The problem is, fish starts to go downhill very quickly. Even if it has never been frozen, be careful. If it still has its head and the eyes are dull, it is not very fresh.  Even if it is headless, skinless and fileted, there is a way to tell if it is old; it will smell. If the smell is very fishy, don't buy it.

One more thing. There is more and more seafood that is farm raised. Now, if you live near a fish farm, you are quite lucky and will have a nice supply of fresh fish.  Most of us do not. If you are buying farm raised seafood, find out where it is raised, If raised in the USA, it's fine. Same if it is European. But, if raised in South or Central America or Asia, run quickly away. The farms there are not well regulated and most often the product is raised in filthy water, over crowded conditions, and fed hormones to grow them fast and antibiotics just to keep them alive. They are not fit to eat. If you cannot buy this product locally, at least buy USA or European products.

One more factor. Food is shipped by rail, truck or ship. That requires a lot of fuel. Until we find hydrocarbon alternatives, the less fuel we use, the better off we all are, and the better off the businessmen and women in our home communities are. Buy local whenever possible.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Cook Your Food

I love salads, but I seldom eat them anymore. I have grown suspect of raw vegetables, with good reason.

We get a lot of our produce from other countries now, especially Central American countries. Nothing against the nice folks in those lands, but their in the field hygiene seems to be a bit lacking. Produce from those countries seems to come in, all too often tainted. Now, usually that is an ecoli problem. Yes, you can wash that off, but you best not miss a millimeter of the surface or by the time you eat it, the little germs will have multiplied at an alarming rate.

In addition, there are certain tiny monsters, mostly protozoans, who get inside the produce and these cannot be washed off. You must kill them by cooking and you best cook them well.

I live in Georgia and, like many, a lot of produce comes from California and, yes, that produce is often contaminated. This may be because they use many imported workers to pick and process that food. Maybe the problem has another source, but I cannot imagine what that would be.

If you can get locally grown produce, in season, do so. If not, cook your fruits and vegetables. I have had an ecoli infection and, trust me, you do not want one.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Take Advantage of Opportunities

I keep coming back to this topic and I don't wish to bore people, but I have to say this again.

Remember a TV show called Dirty Jobs? The star, Mike Rowe, is promoting job training programs for trade jobs such as welding, plumbing, etc. He was on TV bemoaning the fact that he is seeing little interest in these programs from the young people who need to be taking advantage of them.

I am appalled by this. What is wrong with you people. Face it kids. You are going to have to work during your lives. Here you have a chance to take advantage of schools that will get you certified for good jobs and you are not taking advantage. Shame on you.

Nor everyone can be a doctor or lawyer. Not everyone can make it in IT work, but most folks can develop the skills needed to practice one of the many skilled trades out there. These jobs are not the most glamorous and they do require real work, but any job you will find requires work and all of them have their boring days. Get over yourselves. You need skills and you will have to work.

These jobs will allow you to make a good living and live a reasonably comfortable life. Your alternatives are limited, to say the least. If you don't learn to do something , you need to practice the following phrase: "would you like fries with that?"

Monday, February 27, 2017

Starting a Small Business

A lot of folks think it would be just great to start their own little business. Just think. No bosses, set your own deadlines, That would be great. Well, maybe yes and maybe no. My Dad owned a small business for many years, so let me pass on some tips.

First, get all of your required licenses and insurance and keep immaculate tax records. I have known many who started small businesses and ignored this and everyone of them ended up in a lot of trouble. Yes, it will cost you some money, possibly a lot, but you must do it right or suffer the consequences. Trust me. You will get caught.

Second, be ready to lose money for several years. It takes time to get going. To get an SBA loan, you must prove that you can get along for 5 years, making loan payments, covering all operating costs, and, of course, surviving personally. This may sound harsh, but it is really simple basic sense. Most small businesses fail and most do so in the first year or two.

Third, look at your community. You may really be a great cook and have a mind to start a little diner, but, will your community support one. If they are a bunch of small eateries around, probably not, unless you can do something extraordinary. Even then, you will have a hard go. Want to start a lawn service? Find out how much competition you will have. If everyone around you has a service, you will have to underbid them all and you must ask yourself if you can do that and make a living.

If you think you can make a go, great. But, you may want to think about keeping your regular job and pursue your new business in your spare time. This way you can get a feel for how you will do.

If it seems that I am trying to discourage you, you are right. Starting your own little business is a big step and you will suffer a lot of headaches. If you make it, congratulations. You will be glad you did it. But, consider yourself very lucky. Most fail.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Think for Yourself

When you read or watch the news, you will find an amazing and baffling assortment of views. Politically, all, contrary to what Trump says, is total chaos. The Left and Right, the Democrats and Republicans, may well get violent in their opposition to each other. In fact, inter party strife may soon tear themselves apart. All sides are tossing out enormous amounts of disinformation. Throw in the Media's twistings and out and out lying and it is almost impossible to know what to think.

The Practical, sensible American will think for him/herself. Trust your own judgment. Gather a variety of facts and go with what seems right. Will you always be right? Of course not, but you'll be right more often than our so called leaders and experts. Use your common sense.

Them just get on with things. Pay attention to events, but not to the interpretations of them. Do not waste a bit of time or energy on this constant uproar that has befallen us.

Even when it comes to something as seemingly objective as medic al advice, trust your own good sense. In the last 30 years, I have heard butter, eggs, coffee, red meat, alcohol, and chocolate all vilified, almost declared poison. Now, well, not so much. Every few days, opinions on foods change. In the meantime, doctors are merrily writing prescriptions for a hell broth of chemicals. Pay attention to ads for these nightmarish drugs and note the list of horrific side effects. In most cases, I would rather have the disease than the drugs.

For example, I suffer from arthritis. Embril is advertised as an effective treatment. However, it wipes out your immune system, which make a sort of demented sense; after all, arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The thing is, that makes you susceptible to a host of diseases and infections. One of these is pneumonia, which, without your immune system, can quickly become fatal, This was what kille the Eagle's Glenn Frye. Instead of such chemicals, I drink a little red wine in the evening, which helps a lot. The little remaining pain, I can live with.

In short, trust your own judgment. It's your life. Do what you think is right.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Cooking - Prepare First

Folks get nervous and in a hurry when cooking. There is a simple way to stay relaxed when cooking. Get as much prep done in advance.

If your dish includes various vegetables, chop all of them before you even turn on the stove. As you finish each, put it in a container. Save things like empty butter or yogurt containers or use paper plates. Then, as you are cooking, just add them at the appropriate time. Same with meat.

You really don't want to have to be stirring, stopping to chop, going back to stirring and so on. When you get in a hurry, accidents will happen. No one wants hot, messy spills or sliced fingers.

Prepping first also gives you time to clean up before you start cooking. Messy kitchens are dangerous and just unpleasant to work in. When you chop something and set it aside, take a moment and wipe any mess. Clean your cutting board and throw any scraps in the garbage. Then, you have room to work.

Make your time in the kitchen pleasant and relaxed. Some of this prep work can be done a day in advance. When you have a few minutes, take advantage. It may seem like you are spending a little more time in the kitchen, but not really, because you have eliminated a lot of the causes of spills and accidents.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Cooking Without Recipes

Cooking is a lot more fun if you avoid recipes. Now, baking is another matter; when you bake, you need to be precise or that cake you bake may resemble a door stop. But, in every other form of cooking, learn to ad lib.

I like to go the fridge, freezer and cabinets, see what I have, and the just throw things together according to my mood. If I want to put chili powder in my spaghetti sauce, why not?

I might throw sweet potato chunks in my chili or rice into an omelet. Maybe top a burger with sliced beets ( and that is delicious) and hummus on hot dogs (also delicious). Cook what you want, however you want (of course you must also consider those you're serving, but maybe you can get them to also be adventurists)

One day, I decided to fix black beans and rice. As the beans simmered, I decided that they needed something to make them distinctive. On a whim, I added a can of beer and a cup of cashews. Folks went crazy over them.

The only thing you have to do is make sure everything is safely cooked. If you are adding raw chicken, for example, you really want to make sure it is completely cooked.

Be whimsical. You may end up with an occasional disaster, but not too often, and if you do, just laugh it off. Have fun when you cook and you might create a masterpiece.

Monday, February 13, 2017


I am going to  be political for a moment. The Nation os literally, physically falling apart. Today, we are witnessing a major dam in California on the brink of collapse. All over America, dams, bridges, roads, buildings and airports are in pitiful condition.

I live in Brunswick, Ga., right on the Atlantic Ocean. This year we have had 2 tropical storms and a hurricane yet we have no emergency shelters or preparation procedures. This is not an uncommon situation.

The roads in many areas all over the Country are in sad condition. This not only makes them dangerous, it puts a lot of wear and tear, and thus expense, on your vehicle. Public buildings are often not maintained and have fallen into disgraceful and downright dangerous condition.

Bridges often have maintenance issues that have gone neglected for years. Airports and railways are not properly maintained.

When proper maintenance is not done on any structure 2 things happen. One, eventually, they break down. Two, when they finally break down, it costs a lot more to fix them than the maintenance would have cost.

Still, people refuse to vote through the tax increases needed to do the work. Yes, I said tax increases. You will not get the work done free. Congress and Trump are soon to do battle over his infrastructure bill because Republican congressmen are reluctant to spend a nickel. Local and State governments are even cheaper.

Often tax money is misspent and I hate seeing tax money wasted but, unless we do something, just traveling in America will become a dangerous procedure. Stop being penny wise and pound foolish and urge politicians at all levels to get busy and repair America.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Weather Stripping

If it's cold where you live and you feel the wind seeping in, shame on you. Always, when the seasons change, check your weather stripping.

Good weather stripping and good seals around your windows will save you a bundle on heating bills. There are many types and a trip to any hardware store will give you ample choices. Some stick with adhesives and some are tacked on and either works fine. Just follow the instructions on the package. If you have problems or questions, the sales help at the store can advise you. If they can't or won't help you, find another store.

Windows are easy. Just find a good caulk. When you calk, don't put it on any thicker than you need to cover the area. Too thick and things get messy. Always keep a damp rag handy and don't be afraid to use you fingers; you will likely need to use them to even things out. Don't worry; it washes right off. Be neat. Little looks as shabby as sloppy caulking.

You will get a double pay off when summer gets here. Having your doors and windows properly sealed will cut the cost of running your air conditioner substantially. Just think; a few minutes effort will save you a lot of money. So be smart and check your doors and windows for leaks and fix them promptly.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Be Flexible

The Practical American is ready for anything. We are in very strange times and anyone who says that they know how things are going to work out is lying or insane.

It looks like high tech industry is going to be the driving force of the economy. Those with an aptitude for such matters should soak up all the knowledge they can. Those not gifted in those areas will not be left out. Remember, all of those industries produce other jobs, in construction, food service, and various home services such as plumbing, carpentry and electrical repair. Health care also will be needed. In other words, if all goes well, there will be jobs for many, decent to good jobs and you need to be ready. Improve your skills. Gain experience.

But, will all go well? Who knows? Right now, it seems that a good number of things promised by the new Administration are going to be just a bit tricky to pull off, Congress, both Parties, is trying to settle back in to the same old pattern of endless and useless debate.

Then, there is the issue of Foreign Affairs. The rest of the World has been stunned by our recent actions and the rhetoric from around the World is increasingly bellicose, as is our response. Conflict traditionally stimulate economies but, in our case, we are so damn broke and our military so exhausted that I have no idea how any conflict will play out.

So, plan for the best, but be prepared for the worst, or at least the not real good. I will say once again, pay off your debts and don't create any unnecessary new ones. Learn several skills. Learn to take care of your home and car yourself, as much as possible. And, perhaps most important of all, take care of your health.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Watch Your Back

Just this morning, I see that Tiger Woods has, once again, withdrawn fro a golf tournament with back issues. Anyone who has chronic back pains knows how debilitating and downright depressing this can be. There are ways to ease the problem, short of heavy and dangerous medications.

First, do not ever, and I don't care if it's 2 pounds, bend from the waist to pick up anything. Spread your legs to shoulder width. Bend from the knees. Straighten up using your legs to force the weight up. Those long leg muscles have a lot more strength that those small, knotty muscles in your back, arms, shoulders and neck.

Second, stretch. That's all. Just simples stretching, slow and easy. You do not gave to twist into ridiculously complicated yoga pastures. Gently stretch and twist and bend. Keep your back loose and, at the same time, stretch out your legs, since they will be taking up the slack.

Third, build stremgth through gentle exercise. There are many simple  exercises that don't require hours in a gym and expensive equipment. Lay down, Stretch out. One at a time, raise your leg as high as you comfortably can. This stretches the muscles. Then, as slowly as you can, lower the leg. This builds strength. Do ten reps, three time, resting between sets. Do this once or twice a day. Lay down as flat as you can. Bend your knees up. Then, lift the lowest part of your back off the floor, very slowly, then lower it, very slowly. Again, two sets/day, 10 reps, rest, 10, rest, 10 rest. This will build a lot of strength. Finally, simply walk. Walking stretches and builds strength in the whole body.

You really should take care of your back. It has to last a long time and it is easily damaged. So, stretch, walk, strengthen gently, and work carefully and using proper lifting techniques.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Simple Idea for a Great Vegetable Dish

Let's be honest. Whether you love your veggies or not (I do), they can get boring. You steam them, saute them, or boil them. You toss them with butter, oil or salad dressing. Maybe, if you're feeling daring, you fry them.

Sure, you can eat them. well many of them, raw and salads can be interesting. However, more and more, I am a bit nervous about raw vegetables. Many times, they are imported from nations that have, shall we say, less than ideal sanitation facilities in the fields. Bacteria get absorbed into the produce so washing does little good and you wind up spending much of the day in the bathroom. To make sure your veggies are safe, you must cook them.

Here is a way to fix something different that will make vegetables a treat again. Use  vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onion, parsnips, peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, turnips, sweet potatoes, yellow squash. Cut them into bite sized pieces. Toss them with  olive oil and any herbs you want (a bottled, dried, Italian spice blend is fine). Spread them on a baking sheet in one layer. place in a 325 oven for about 20 minutes, and that's it. You basically want the vegetables to be soft and a little caramelized. The carrots and potatoes (and parsnips - does anyone still eat these tasty vegetables  anymore?) may take a bit longer so either put them on a separate sheet or cut them into slightly smaller bites. At the opposite end, mushrooms may take less time, so, use a separate baking sheet or don't cut them as small.

The smell of these roasting vegetables is intoxicating and the taste will amaze you. You can do this with broccoli and cauliflower, but you will have to work out cooking times to suit yourself, because some folks like these veggies very firm and others, like me, like them ultra soft.  Eggplant also works, but, again, you have to experiment to suit your own taste.

There you have it; a simple tasty and quick way to make vegetables interesting.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Spring is Rught Around the Corner

Before you know it, Spring will be here. In South Georgia, where I live, winter has been very mild, even a bit warm, and, in the rest of the Country the weather has just been weird. Cheer up. Spring is at hand.

I never have understood the idea of Spring cleaning. I much prefer it do a heavy, late Winter cleaning. Why waste that nice spring weather stuck inside cleaning? Why not take advantage of that yucky, can't go out weather to clean your house from top to bottom. Put on some good, rowdy music; play it nice and loud; and tear the house apart, cleaning every nook and cranny. It's great exercise and it's good to give things a thorough job every once and a while.

If you do your own yard work, go through your tools. Make sure all motors are properly serviced and all blades are ultra-sharp. If you have a bench grinder, sharpening is easy. If not, simply use a good file. It's a bit more work, but what's your hurry; you can't go out a lot anyway.

Then when all is done, down to a nice meal. Maybe have a drink or two, if so inclined and congratulate yourself because when Spring arrives, you can enjoy things.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Do Something

People seem to get a bit down in the dumps this time of year. The holidays are gone, the bills from those holidays are coming do, some folks are blocked in by bad weather. Things just seem kind of yucky. There is a simple answer.

Just do something, almost anything will do. Clean the house, read a book, play a game, or, if you can get outdoors, take a walk. Go shopping, see a movie, grab a bite to eat. Simply do something. Humans do not so well when they sit and brood.

Lazing around is a matter of inertia, a resistance to changing the status quo. Now, if you're always on the move, being lazy for a but is worthwhile. You do need rest. But, too much rest is not a good thing. Do something different.

If you spend hours at the computer, turn it off. If you never go online, turn it on. The same can apply for TV. The idea is to break patterns of behavior, to get out of a rut.

Hobbies are great, but even the can become a trap. Hobbies can become habits and, at that point, turn from a healthy pursuit to a dull trap. Change is good. Motion is good. So, if the post holiday, winter blues has hold of you, just shake them off by doing something.

Monday, January 23, 2017


For years, nutritionists and doctors urged us all to scorn the egg. Now, not so much. It seems that the idea that eggs caused cholesterol was just not true. Eggs, when eaten as whole eggs, yolk and all, contain lecithin and that causes the cholesterol to be processed quite nicely.

Eggs are an exceptionally fine source of protein that is very easily assimilated into the body. They are reasonably low in calories. When you eat an egg, you will not suffer a let down, that crashed feeling, in a couple of hours. They pick you up quickly and keep you moving along very nicely.

There is one potential problem with eggs. They do, sometimes, carry salmonella. It is rare to encounter such a contaminated egg, but if you do, you will spend a few very unpleasant hours. The good news? Cook the egg thoroughly and the contamination is gone. personally, I like eggs soft scrambled, over light, or soft boiled, but I have learned to eat them cooked well. They're not as tasty, but it beats heavy stomach cramps and a fever.

If you have access to a refrigerator or cooler where you work, you may want to keep a boiled eggs or two on hand. When you get that mid morning or late afternoon fatigue setting in, eat an egg. It will serve you a lot better that a candy bar or pastry. (just don't leave that egg out at room temperature) Or, when you're getting ready to start your day, go ahead and eat and egg, boiled, fried, or scrambled; they're a better way to start your day than a Pop Tart.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Change is always inevitable. It's the nature of the World. Today, Donald Trump will become President and will, without doubt, be much different than Obama.

I have no intention of discussing the politics of this. The point is, change is here and the Practical American knows how to deal with change. In the words of the old Little Feat album, 'roll with it.'

Whatever your feelings about the politics, you are going to have to change also. You must stay true to your core beliefs, but you will have to bend a lot. If you oppose Trump, you will do yourself and others, not good by digging in your heels and refusing the facts at hand.

New approaches will be needed and new paths will be opened. Take advantage of what comes along. Again, you should not abandon your core beliefs, but you must be willing to change your approach to a variety of issues. Who knows? You might find better ways if you are at least somewhat open minded.

One thing for certain: You will gain nothing through ignorant ranting and raving, nor by withdrawing into a depressed shell. Change will happen and the Practical American will learn how to benefit from that change.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


You're working along and, suddenly, you start feeling a bit sluggish. You're playing with you're kids and start getting a bit grumpy. Trying to read and losing track of the story? Driving a feeling a bit light headed? Well, you are probably in need of a snack. The nutrition from your last meal has been used up. What to do?

Hands off the donuts and candy bars. Reach for some nuts. Nuts of any kind are about the best snack around. A small handful will give you a quick lift and, unlike sugary snack, you won't get hit an hour later. with a sugar crash.

Nuts are full of vitamins, minerals and proteins. They do have some fats, but they are fats our body can handle well. Mind you, I am not saying to eat a whole jar; a small handful is sufficient.

People who are trying to lose some weight often make the mistake of trying to lose it all at once. If you are eating small meals to lose those extra pounds, congratulations. You are to be commended and you will feel a lot better. But, every now and then, especially if a stressful situation pops up,  you will start losing steam. Eat a few nuts. You will feel better and it will seriously upset your diet.

When I say nuts, I am including peanuts. Yes, I know, they are actually a legume, but they are used in the diet as a nut. Besides, legumes are also good for you.

So, when you're feeling a bit slow and cranky, go nuts.

Monday, January 16, 2017


A lot of kids hate math when they are in school. Well, too bad. Kids, suck it up and learn the basics. Grown ups who did not learn basic math in school need to follow suit and learn the basics, at least.

There are good jobs out there that go unfilled because employers cannot get competent help. Part of the problem is that in any of the trades, you really do need a comprehension of basic math. If you are building or repairing anything you must be able to figure areas and compute quantities of materials. You need to work with fractions and percentages. Many cannot do this and thus cannot do the job.

Yes, there are calculators, but it is ridiculous to drag one out anytime you have to do a simple calculation. It is time consuming and employers, quite correctly, view time as money. In fact, those calculators are part of the reason kids do not really learn to work with numbers. Back in the dark ages, when I was young, such instruments did not exist and we learned to do math with pencil and paper and our brain (yes, that makes me sound old, but who cares; I learned).

There are on line courses, night schools and books in libraries. If you lack basic math skills, seek instruction. Unless you want to spend your life  serving fast food or cleaning other peoples messes, you must become competent in math.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Winter Gardening

With another ice storm about to hit large parts of the Country, most folks are not thinking about gardening. But, if you wish to have a nice Spring garden, you can get started now.

This is a fine time to plan. Look at seed catalogues and gardening guides to find varieties you want in your garden. Get an idea of how you need to space them and how quickly they grow. Then, you can sketch out a simple plan of your plot's layout. Walk around (be careful if you have ice) and get a mental picture of what you want and where you want it. If you are in an area that gets no snow and ice, you can even start to mark out your plot, using string to lay out the lines.

Some plants can be started now, using a neat trick. Build a small box, and put a sheet of glass over the top. You now have a mini greenhouse. Even when it's very cold out, you can start seedlings and be ready, when the weather breaks, to set out hardy little plants. Note: some plants do not like being transplanted, so consult your garden guide or a local nursery for advice.

Finally, this is an excellent time to spend some time with your tools. You want every blade sharpened and a; engines properly serviced. When the warm weather comes, you want to be ready.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Meatless Meals

I am not a vegetarian. I love meat. But, I also love my veggies and, from time to time, both for health and financial reasons, a meatless meal is a good idea. Now, in the warm summer, that can take the form of a good salad, b ut when it's cold out, you need something warm and hearty.

There are a few vegetables that can take the center stage in a meal. First, beans; pintos, northern, black, any will do.. They provide a world of vitamins and minerals and a good bit of protein. They can be mixed with any combination of other vegetables and herbs and, besides being healthy, they are cheap. In the old days, we used to soak the dry beans overnight, then boil them until tender. Don't bother. Simply use canned beans; they are just as good and you can still mix them with anything and get a good flavor. I do not recommend frozen; they have no texture and come out like little rocks.

Mushrooms are another option. You do not have to use the expensive varieties. They are great, but you get good flavor from the plain old button  mushrooms. Remember, they cook quickly and they will absorb a lot of liquid.  Again, they have a meaty texture and will blend well with almost anything.

Then we have eggplant. This vegetable has a wonderful meaty texture and taste. Grilled, it is very nice. Like mushrooms, it will take a lot of liquid and if you saute it, it will take as much oil as you give it. Too many people think immediately of eggplant Parmesan, which is a fine dish, but let me give you a simple option. Peel and chop your eggplant into about 1 inch cubes ( it doesn't have to be exact). Boil in salty water until almost tender. Drain and set aside. Saute some celery and onion until tender and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, crumble a sleeve of Saltine crackers, add eggplant, celery and onion, then enough cold milk to make the whole thing a bit soupy. Add black pepper and thyme to taste. Then, stir in two beaten eggs and pour into a greased baking dish. Cover and cook at 325 about 45 minutes. Remove from oven, uncover, and top with bread crumbs and grated cheese (whatever you like) and put it under a broiler until the crumbs start to brown. Let sit for 10 minutes and serve. It should have the texture of a good turkey stuffing and, oddly enough, everyone I've served it to agrees that it tastes like baked oysters.

Meat gets expensive and, while it is good for you, here and there, it is nice to serve an inexpensive, tasty, healthy meal centered around vegetables.

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Request

I'm taking time out today, from my usual ranting and babbling, to ask for a bit of help. No, this is not a request for money, but I have a situation.

I live in Brunswick, Ga, with my long time friend, Deb. We wish to move to N. Georgia, near, but not in Atlanta. This is just not a good place for us to live.

However, in this town, there are no train stations, no Greyhound stations, the only airport is for small private planes, and we have no car. Neither of us, due to vision issues, can curretntly drive.

We would like suggestions on how we might get to N. Georgia. We do not have a lot of belongings and we would be more than happy to pay for transport.

If you have any suggestions, please contact me. If anyone knows the feasibility of using Uber for long trips, your comments would be welcome. If you, or someone reliable who you know, wish to make a little money for about a 7 hour drive , please contact me. Contact me at wrightjohn996@yahoo.com.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Back To Work

The Holidays are over. The wonderful days of feasting and parties, of drinking and celebrating, of turkey and egg nog, are gone for another year. It is sad, in a way, but that really doesn't matter in the least, because they're over. Get to work.

Holidays are only fun because they are breaks from the norm. The norm is work and there is a lot to do. This will be a year of change. We have more than just a change in Administrations in our Government, we have a change in the whole philosophy we will be governed by. Like it or not, this year will be very different and the Practical American will be ready.

Do not be distracted by all the debate and quarrelling we are about to hear. Do your job, whatever it is, efficiently and cheerfully. At the same time, learn to do as many things as you can. If you have a trade, say plumbing, learn carpentry and/ or electrical work. If you have a brand new IT degree, good for you; now learn a trade. Got an MBa? Wonderful, learn the hospitality business. Why?

Simple. We are entering a time of change and one of the biggest area of change will be the economy. No one knows what twists and turns the job market will take, The more things you can do, the more sure you are of employment.

Take care of yourself physically. We do not have a clue how the whole health care mess will turn out, but if you are healthy, your worry goes down a lot.

Pay down your debts. I know that I write that a lot, but it is one of the keys to financial success. If you have to work two jobs for a while, get to it. In uncertain times, you absolutely do not want debt. At the same time, watch your spending. I don't think anyone should live like a recluse, eating Ramen noodles and cheap hot dogs, but use a bit of sense and don't overdo your luxuries.

In short, use your head and get to work. Those are the keys to, not just surviving, but thriving in the New Year.

Monday, January 2, 2017


Ah, the Holidays are over and, after a raucous New Year, many are waking to the joy os a hangover. You won't die, trust me, but you may feel like it. Despair not. There is a cure.

Drink some water, a lot of water. Maybe throw in some Gatorade for the electrolytes. Alcojol dehydrates and you must rebalance your fluids.

Eat something that includes a lot of bread. Heck, just eat some bread. This puts something in your stomach that will take up all the noxious chemicals that are rolling around in their and will rid you of that awful alcohol taste in your mouth.

Then, take some aspirin for that headache. Do not take this until you have water and food. Your stomach will not be happy.

Then, get outside. Get some fresh air and move around. You don't need to run a marathon, just some gentle exercise. If you sweat a bit, that's great.

Then take a nap. After an alcohol binge, you do not sleep, you pass out. They are not the same.

After that, you should be fine. Maybe not at your best, but pretty good.

Last note: There is of course the 'hair of the dog' treatment; in other words, having another drink or two. This does work, in a sense, but it really just delays the inevitable. If you feel so rotten that you feel you must have another drink to settle your nerves, make yourself eat, limit your drink to one, then get some sleep. Be careful; this is how drinking problems get started.

Anyway, you'll live.