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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Do Something

People seem to get a bit down in the dumps this time of year. The holidays are gone, the bills from those holidays are coming do, some folks are blocked in by bad weather. Things just seem kind of yucky. There is a simple answer.

Just do something, almost anything will do. Clean the house, read a book, play a game, or, if you can get outdoors, take a walk. Go shopping, see a movie, grab a bite to eat. Simply do something. Humans do not so well when they sit and brood.

Lazing around is a matter of inertia, a resistance to changing the status quo. Now, if you're always on the move, being lazy for a but is worthwhile. You do need rest. But, too much rest is not a good thing. Do something different.

If you spend hours at the computer, turn it off. If you never go online, turn it on. The same can apply for TV. The idea is to break patterns of behavior, to get out of a rut.

Hobbies are great, but even the can become a trap. Hobbies can become habits and, at that point, turn from a healthy pursuit to a dull trap. Change is good. Motion is good. So, if the post holiday, winter blues has hold of you, just shake them off by doing something.

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