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Wednesday, January 18, 2017


You're working along and, suddenly, you start feeling a bit sluggish. You're playing with you're kids and start getting a bit grumpy. Trying to read and losing track of the story? Driving a feeling a bit light headed? Well, you are probably in need of a snack. The nutrition from your last meal has been used up. What to do?

Hands off the donuts and candy bars. Reach for some nuts. Nuts of any kind are about the best snack around. A small handful will give you a quick lift and, unlike sugary snack, you won't get hit an hour later. with a sugar crash.

Nuts are full of vitamins, minerals and proteins. They do have some fats, but they are fats our body can handle well. Mind you, I am not saying to eat a whole jar; a small handful is sufficient.

People who are trying to lose some weight often make the mistake of trying to lose it all at once. If you are eating small meals to lose those extra pounds, congratulations. You are to be commended and you will feel a lot better. But, every now and then, especially if a stressful situation pops up,  you will start losing steam. Eat a few nuts. You will feel better and it will seriously upset your diet.

When I say nuts, I am including peanuts. Yes, I know, they are actually a legume, but they are used in the diet as a nut. Besides, legumes are also good for you.

So, when you're feeling a bit slow and cranky, go nuts.

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