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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Back To Work

The Holidays are over. The wonderful days of feasting and parties, of drinking and celebrating, of turkey and egg nog, are gone for another year. It is sad, in a way, but that really doesn't matter in the least, because they're over. Get to work.

Holidays are only fun because they are breaks from the norm. The norm is work and there is a lot to do. This will be a year of change. We have more than just a change in Administrations in our Government, we have a change in the whole philosophy we will be governed by. Like it or not, this year will be very different and the Practical American will be ready.

Do not be distracted by all the debate and quarrelling we are about to hear. Do your job, whatever it is, efficiently and cheerfully. At the same time, learn to do as many things as you can. If you have a trade, say plumbing, learn carpentry and/ or electrical work. If you have a brand new IT degree, good for you; now learn a trade. Got an MBa? Wonderful, learn the hospitality business. Why?

Simple. We are entering a time of change and one of the biggest area of change will be the economy. No one knows what twists and turns the job market will take, The more things you can do, the more sure you are of employment.

Take care of yourself physically. We do not have a clue how the whole health care mess will turn out, but if you are healthy, your worry goes down a lot.

Pay down your debts. I know that I write that a lot, but it is one of the keys to financial success. If you have to work two jobs for a while, get to it. In uncertain times, you absolutely do not want debt. At the same time, watch your spending. I don't think anyone should live like a recluse, eating Ramen noodles and cheap hot dogs, but use a bit of sense and don't overdo your luxuries.

In short, use your head and get to work. Those are the keys to, not just surviving, but thriving in the New Year.

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