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Monday, January 23, 2017


For years, nutritionists and doctors urged us all to scorn the egg. Now, not so much. It seems that the idea that eggs caused cholesterol was just not true. Eggs, when eaten as whole eggs, yolk and all, contain lecithin and that causes the cholesterol to be processed quite nicely.

Eggs are an exceptionally fine source of protein that is very easily assimilated into the body. They are reasonably low in calories. When you eat an egg, you will not suffer a let down, that crashed feeling, in a couple of hours. They pick you up quickly and keep you moving along very nicely.

There is one potential problem with eggs. They do, sometimes, carry salmonella. It is rare to encounter such a contaminated egg, but if you do, you will spend a few very unpleasant hours. The good news? Cook the egg thoroughly and the contamination is gone. personally, I like eggs soft scrambled, over light, or soft boiled, but I have learned to eat them cooked well. They're not as tasty, but it beats heavy stomach cramps and a fever.

If you have access to a refrigerator or cooler where you work, you may want to keep a boiled eggs or two on hand. When you get that mid morning or late afternoon fatigue setting in, eat an egg. It will serve you a lot better that a candy bar or pastry. (just don't leave that egg out at room temperature) Or, when you're getting ready to start your day, go ahead and eat and egg, boiled, fried, or scrambled; they're a better way to start your day than a Pop Tart.

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