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Friday, January 27, 2017

Spring is Rught Around the Corner

Before you know it, Spring will be here. In South Georgia, where I live, winter has been very mild, even a bit warm, and, in the rest of the Country the weather has just been weird. Cheer up. Spring is at hand.

I never have understood the idea of Spring cleaning. I much prefer it do a heavy, late Winter cleaning. Why waste that nice spring weather stuck inside cleaning? Why not take advantage of that yucky, can't go out weather to clean your house from top to bottom. Put on some good, rowdy music; play it nice and loud; and tear the house apart, cleaning every nook and cranny. It's great exercise and it's good to give things a thorough job every once and a while.

If you do your own yard work, go through your tools. Make sure all motors are properly serviced and all blades are ultra-sharp. If you have a bench grinder, sharpening is easy. If not, simply use a good file. It's a bit more work, but what's your hurry; you can't go out a lot anyway.

Then when all is done, down to a nice meal. Maybe have a drink or two, if so inclined and congratulate yourself because when Spring arrives, you can enjoy things.

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