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Friday, January 20, 2017


Change is always inevitable. It's the nature of the World. Today, Donald Trump will become President and will, without doubt, be much different than Obama.

I have no intention of discussing the politics of this. The point is, change is here and the Practical American knows how to deal with change. In the words of the old Little Feat album, 'roll with it.'

Whatever your feelings about the politics, you are going to have to change also. You must stay true to your core beliefs, but you will have to bend a lot. If you oppose Trump, you will do yourself and others, not good by digging in your heels and refusing the facts at hand.

New approaches will be needed and new paths will be opened. Take advantage of what comes along. Again, you should not abandon your core beliefs, but you must be willing to change your approach to a variety of issues. Who knows? You might find better ways if you are at least somewhat open minded.

One thing for certain: You will gain nothing through ignorant ranting and raving, nor by withdrawing into a depressed shell. Change will happen and the Practical American will learn how to benefit from that change.

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