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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Winter Gardening

With another ice storm about to hit large parts of the Country, most folks are not thinking about gardening. But, if you wish to have a nice Spring garden, you can get started now.

This is a fine time to plan. Look at seed catalogues and gardening guides to find varieties you want in your garden. Get an idea of how you need to space them and how quickly they grow. Then, you can sketch out a simple plan of your plot's layout. Walk around (be careful if you have ice) and get a mental picture of what you want and where you want it. If you are in an area that gets no snow and ice, you can even start to mark out your plot, using string to lay out the lines.

Some plants can be started now, using a neat trick. Build a small box, and put a sheet of glass over the top. You now have a mini greenhouse. Even when it's very cold out, you can start seedlings and be ready, when the weather breaks, to set out hardy little plants. Note: some plants do not like being transplanted, so consult your garden guide or a local nursery for advice.

Finally, this is an excellent time to spend some time with your tools. You want every blade sharpened and a; engines properly serviced. When the warm weather comes, you want to be ready.

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