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Monday, January 2, 2017


Ah, the Holidays are over and, after a raucous New Year, many are waking to the joy os a hangover. You won't die, trust me, but you may feel like it. Despair not. There is a cure.

Drink some water, a lot of water. Maybe throw in some Gatorade for the electrolytes. Alcojol dehydrates and you must rebalance your fluids.

Eat something that includes a lot of bread. Heck, just eat some bread. This puts something in your stomach that will take up all the noxious chemicals that are rolling around in their and will rid you of that awful alcohol taste in your mouth.

Then, take some aspirin for that headache. Do not take this until you have water and food. Your stomach will not be happy.

Then, get outside. Get some fresh air and move around. You don't need to run a marathon, just some gentle exercise. If you sweat a bit, that's great.

Then take a nap. After an alcohol binge, you do not sleep, you pass out. They are not the same.

After that, you should be fine. Maybe not at your best, but pretty good.

Last note: There is of course the 'hair of the dog' treatment; in other words, having another drink or two. This does work, in a sense, but it really just delays the inevitable. If you feel so rotten that you feel you must have another drink to settle your nerves, make yourself eat, limit your drink to one, then get some sleep. Be careful; this is how drinking problems get started.

Anyway, you'll live.

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