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Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

It is a long standing tradition to make New Year resolutions. You know the routine: lose wait, quit smoking, exercise, save money, etc.  I'm not to big on these, but if you are, here's one piece advice.

Be realistic.  If you make resolutions and fail miserably, it can be a bit depressing. Failure usually comes from being over the top with your goals.

Want to lose weight? Don't set a goal of 50 pounds in the first month. You will not do that and, if you come close, you will likely wind up sick. 5 pounds is reasonable, and when you accomplish that, you can feel pleased.

If you have not exercised in years, don't start out trying to run 10 miles and lift weights for 3 hours each day.  Start with walking a mile and doing some stretching and calisthenics for twenty minutes a day. Work up slowly from there.

Saving money is always a fine idea, but don't tell yourself you are going to cut down to a diet of Ramen noodles and toast and bank half of your paycheck (unless you are in a deep financial crisis). You will not live up to that resolution for more that a day or two. Resolve to cut out a dinner out each week and save an extra $20. That will help your finances and, from there, maybe you can find other, minor corners to cut.

In short, don't set yourself up for failure. Keep your goals realistic. Have a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

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