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Monday, December 12, 2016

Cheap Healthy Cleaning

Cleaning products are not cheap and, often are harsh and generally unhealthy to use. Now, every now and then you do need to use things like degreasers. But, for a lot of your cleaning, try two safe, effective chemicals; vinegar and baking soda.

Baking soda is a fine scouring powder. Just mix with a little water into a paste, and it will clean very effectively. It is also a great de-odorizer. Most people know to put a little in your refrigerator, but it is also a good idea to put some, from time to time, in a microwave. Actually, is excellent for general cleaning of your microwave. It is also perfectly good as a toilet bowl cleaner and to, occasionally wipe out your washing machine.

Vinegar is a mild acid. It will cut light grease and is effective as a whitener, like bleach, only much safer.

If you have drain clogs, try this. Dump a cup or so of baking soda in the drain. add about a cup of vinegar, just plain white vinegar. If will foam immediately, so have a drain plug handy. As soon as it starts foaming, plug the drain and let it sit until you hear no more fizzing. Them unplug and rinse with warm water. It is almost as effective as any harsh drain cleaner and much safer.

These cheap, safe cleaners are most effective when used often. Don't let dirt build up and you will seldom have to use harsh, dangerous chemicals.

1 comment:

  1. Well, this solves the root of all kitchen evils; drain clogs. White vinegar comes to the rescue when there are coffee and tea cups to whiten. It even eliminates odors, freshens up the fridge, can be used on walls and kills germs. However, white vinegar usually cleans out light greases and stains.

    Levi Eslinger @ Capital Plumbing ca
