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Monday, December 26, 2016

Post Holiday Stress

Christmas is over; well, I guess a lot of folks have today off because of the Sunday holiday, but even if you're not working, it's not a holiday. Come the weekend, we're at it again with New Year. This week figures to be a bit odd.

Be practical and realize that most people will be on auto pilot this week. That is just human nature, so don't get stressed if your employees are not giving it their all, if service in stores is sluggish, and no one seems to be accomplishing much. This is a once a year phenomenon, and it will pass, about a week from Wednesday. Just roll with it and chill out yourself. It will do you no good, and possibly a lot of harm, to expect the Nation to hop back to full speed this week. It ain't happening.

In your personal life, take it easy on yourself. After a weekend Holiday, filled with rich food and drink, be kind to your body. Give your gastro-intestinal tract and your liver a short time out and go easy on heavy foods and even easier on alcohol. It will not be a joyous New Year if you start it sick.

If you have been burning the candle at both ends the last few days, be nice to yourself and get some sleep. Naps are nice.

The Holidays come but once a year and should be enjoyed. There is nothing wrong with the Country taking a week or so to slow down and goof off a bit. There is even nothing wrong with over doing thins this time of year. Just remember that the body has limits and you need a little time to recover before you start the next go round.

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