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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Take Care of Your Car

There is someone living near me who has a problem. Every time  they start their car, the belts squeal horribly. Now, that in itself is annoying, but that is not why I am writing. Any belt making a noise like that will, at some point, will snap. It may be when she is leaving for work and that is bad. It may be when she is zipping along the highway and that is worse.

Yesterday, I heard a truck go be with a periodic squeal coming from its left rear wheel. This truck needs a wheel bearing replacement. At some point, the wheel will simply seize and the truck will not move, and if this happens when it is going 60 mph, the results will not be pleasant.

I see cars that are leaking an assortment of fluids and I hear brakes so worn that it is definite that there is no pad left, just metal grinding metal. I have neighbors driving on tires that have absolutely no tread.

O know that money is tight and the Holidays are here but some things cannot be put off. I know. I have done just that, several times. Trust me, a vehicle will almost always break down at the worst possible time. And, in almost every case, neglect will make the repairs more costly than if you went ahead and did them when the problem is first evident. In addition, cars in disrepair are dangerous for you and every one else.

Take care of your car.

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