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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Use Your Heads During the Holidays

At the risk of sounding like a buzz kill, let me ask my fellow Americans, what the hell is wrong with you.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales went through the roof. Great for the stores, but idiotic for consumers. I will bet every nickel I have that almost all of that is on credit. The Cyber purchases are definitely on credit.

I love to give gifts, but I do not love paying interest charges on things I cannot afford. Some of you will never, ever pay off those debts. You will spend a very long making minimum payments that barely cover the interest. I know, every one intends to make bigger payments, but something always comes up.  Your car dies. The kids get sick. The refrigerator breaks down. It is always something and there you are with unneeded debt.

And God help you if you miss a payment, or even if you are late. Then your credit rating takes a nose dive.

Enjoy your holidays, by all means, but set some limits. Buy and give gifts, but make restrict them to what you can afford. I know this sounds trite, but it is true; it is the thought that counts.

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