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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Christmas Tree Care

If you want a real Christmas Tree, one cut from the forest, there are only 3 things to remember.

First, be careful with electric lights. They are lovely, but you need to look at your wires and be sure that none are losing their insulation. This is a natural occurrence as the light age. Do not try patching them with electric tape; just replace the whole strand. Bare wires get hot and it will not be a very Merry Christmas if you burn your house down.

Second, keep checking the water. When you first set up the tree, use hot water in the well. This melts the hardened tree sap and makes the tree more absorbent. Then you can use cold water, but check it often; you cannot overwater. If needles start turning brown or falling off, you need water.

I just thought of a third issue. If you have a dog or cat, make sure they understand that the tree is off limits. Not only can they tear up your decorations, they can chew wires. With a dog, I would set the tree on something high enough to keep it out of reach, unless you have a very mannerly dog.  With cats, I really have no idea how to discourage them; they are lovable, but stubborn.

Have fun with your Christmas tree. They really do brighten the Holiday.

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