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Friday, November 18, 2016

Thanksgiving - Do What You Like

Come Thursday, turkeys will be roasting and smoking and even deep frying (if you are trying that, make sure you know what you're doing or your holiday will be spent either watching the firemen try to save your house or hanging out in a hospital emergency room). Some others will be baking ham;s and much stuffing, yams etc. will be cooking. All of these are wonderful foods and I love them all.

However, you do not have to be wedded to tradition. For those who do not like turkey or ham, can't cook, don't have time to cook or, as in our case, only have 2 in the household and don't want a mountain of leftovers, cheer up. Eat whatever you want.

A fine roast beef or lamb is always an option, as is a pork roast; a pork loin is perfect for 2 or 3 people. If you want poultry, consider roasting a chicken or individual game hens. Duck is terrific; just remember to score the fat on the breast and place the bird, breast side down, on a rack in your roasting pan so it doesn't cook in its own grease. We have had salmon for Thanksgiving and it was great.

My Mom one year cooked spaghetti and meatballs and it was a fine meal. In other words, whatever you want. The important thing is to remember to be thankful for the good things in your life.

One quick note: To those dining out for the Holiday. Good luck. I worked in a restaurant one Thanksgiving and I can testify that the kitchen, on a holiday, is a complete mad house. You may get what you want and it may be good, just do not count on every food safety rule being followed.

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