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Friday, November 11, 2016

Get Ready to Roll

The Nation is about to undergo some huge changes. Unfortunately, we have no clue what might happen. The Practical American will get his act together right now, because change, of some sort, will come fast.

As I keep stressing, get your debts paid down. This is a liberating; it gives you room to breathe and move around.

Don't like your job?  Get over it. Do not go changing jobs now, unless you get an absolutely incredible offer. A period of great flux is a time to stay put.

But, do everything you can to be ready to jump. If things start working out in this Country, at long last, opportunities will be abundant, if, and only if, you are ready. How do you get ready? Easy. Work on your health. As someone who used to do hiring, I will tell you, a healthy, energetic applicant is frequently a hired applicant. Develop good habits. Learn to speak, not formally, but properly and clean up your language. Swearing during an interview, for any kind of decent job, will eliminate any hope you have of getting hired. Get some decent clothes, nothing fancy, but presentable. Appearance does count.

Be aware that your interviewer may be anyone, of any race, cultural heritage, gender, and sexual orientation. No matter how you feel about any of those, be ready to show only respect. Things are not like they used to be.

Learn as many skills as you can. Right now, if I were getting ready to seek better employment, I would be studying everything I might possibly need to know about that line of work. Take courses, read books, watch training videos, whatever you have to do, and, remember, you may start at entry level, but. if you show your knowledge, you may start moving up quickly.

Lastly, be flexible and optimistic. Things are going to be a bit weird for a short while, but they will change fast. Be conservative for now and ready to expand on a minute's notice.

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