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Friday, December 16, 2016

Foodies and Common Sense

I spent the latter part of my working life around food and, since some of that involved catering, I had to deal with many considered foodies or, sometimes and more accurately, food snobs.

These are folks who jump on ayt food fad around and delight in nothing more than finding exotic, new culinary experiences. Okay, I'm generally game to try new foods and I certainly enjoy good food, but it is a fine line between enjoying and obsessing.

There are folks, many, who will demand always top cuisine and gourmet quality and preparation at all times. They would not accept a frozen ingredient and would faint if offered anything from a can. If someone told them that crocodile toes cooked in elephant sweat was the latest craze, they would be on the next flight to Africa.

Let's be honest and practical. Food is a necessity; it provides the energy and nutrients to keep us alive and well. Eating can, and should be, a pleasurable experience, but it is a fleeting experience. Short after you complete the last bite of a meal, the experience is over, unless you have gas. By the next day, all sign of it has left your body. Why spend inordinate time and money on such a passing pleasure.

Enjoy your food. Treat yourself from time to time. But use some sense. Be practical.

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