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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bottled Water

U am becoming more and more annoyed with people walking atound with water bottles. It has been firmly established that all of that plastic is fouling the environment. WE di not have enough space for landfill and recycling that much plastic is not cost effective. Yet still, every time I see an athlete or celebrity on TV they are carrying water.

Believe me, none of them is in danger of dying of thirst and there are generally sources of water in buildings.That bottled water is no better for you. It usually just tap water run through a simple filter. If you ate that concerned with pollutants, just but a filter, although, in truth, most city tap eater is just fine.

In addition, you do not need to constantly sucking down water. Get a good glass of water, drunk it and you're set for awhile. Too much water is almost as bad as too little. It makes you sluggish and mentally confused.

If you are going to be away from a source of water for awhile, get a thermos, fill it and you';; do jyst fine. And think, that thermos is reusable, so no more carrying bottles and spending money needlessly.

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