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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Get Down to Business

We Americans lobe to play. Nothing wrong with that, but we used to know when it was time to get serious. Now, we are bombarded with reality TV, superhero movies and an endless array of video games. IN fact, we are so silly, we elected a reality TV sow host to be President. Enough.

There are problems apkenty in this land. To solve them we need to stop playing and get to work We are facing climate change  on an unthinkable scale, but we have to think about it. WE are, and will continue to, lose jobs as robotics takes further hold. How will we deal with that. The rest of the World loathes us and we must deal with our rapidly fading image as the Big Dog of the World. These are but a few of the issues facing Americans. I am sure you can think of more.

Barman will not solve our problems, nor will any of the countless Pop stars that rule the airwaves. Real Housewives and football players are not going to fix things. And if you are waiting on politicians, God help us all/

Think, learn. Figure ways out  of your problems and share what you learn with friends and family. If you have kids, encourage them to learn and to value work. Take care of your health and your mind. Stay away from junk food and junk thought. Be moderate in your habits and tolerant of others. Learn and practice good manners. Take care with your appearance.

I do not want to be a total buzz kill. I love fun and everyone needs a break from their daily grond. But, there is a time and place for everything and right now, Americans need to get serious..

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