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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Use Your Braib

The old saying goes, 'use it or lose it.' Well, that applies to your brain. Things are changing and changing fasr and the Practical American knows that he ot she will need that brain.

It is all well and good to sit around on occasion sipping beer and watching sports but that should be a treat, not a habit.

Use that brain. Work puzzles, read, study. Learn a new skill, walk the neighborhood observing everything closely. Keep a journal, learn a language. On short, so anything to keep your mind active.

The brain gets used to patterns and, over time, grow reluctant to leave those patterns. Then, when you need to learn something new, it will be very difficult. And rest assured, to survive the next few years, you will beed to leatn. Believe me. Things will move fasr and you will need to be nimble.

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