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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Watch the Weather

At the risk of sounding alarmist, let me say that things are a might strange of late. How strange? Well, in a very short period the UA has been hit by 2 Category 4 hurricanes. Now, Puerto Rico is being hammered by yet another Category 4 storm. Category 4 storms are rare, very rare. The Eastern Islands have also had to deal with Jose and, yes it too was Category 4.

The Atlantic and Gulf Waters are generally in the low to mid 80s this tome of year. Now they are near 90. And storm season runs until December 1. They are rare after mid=October, but this year, who knows?

In addition, Mexico just got nailed by a strong earthquake. It seems that Mother Nature is pissed at us. Can'y blame her. We have not been good stewards.

The Practical American will note all of this and have emergency plans and supplies. Don't go nuts. You don't need to become a survivalist, just use your head. And. maybe try to get on better terms with the Earth.

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