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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Weather Stripping

If it's cold where you live and you feel the wind seeping in, shame on you. Always, when the seasons change, check your weather stripping.

Good weather stripping and good seals around your windows will save you a bundle on heating bills. There are many types and a trip to any hardware store will give you ample choices. Some stick with adhesives and some are tacked on and either works fine. Just follow the instructions on the package. If you have problems or questions, the sales help at the store can advise you. If they can't or won't help you, find another store.

Windows are easy. Just find a good caulk. When you calk, don't put it on any thicker than you need to cover the area. Too thick and things get messy. Always keep a damp rag handy and don't be afraid to use you fingers; you will likely need to use them to even things out. Don't worry; it washes right off. Be neat. Little looks as shabby as sloppy caulking.

You will get a double pay off when summer gets here. Having your doors and windows properly sealed will cut the cost of running your air conditioner substantially. Just think; a few minutes effort will save you a lot of money. So be smart and check your doors and windows for leaks and fix them promptly.

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