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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Think for Yourself

When you read or watch the news, you will find an amazing and baffling assortment of views. Politically, all, contrary to what Trump says, is total chaos. The Left and Right, the Democrats and Republicans, may well get violent in their opposition to each other. In fact, inter party strife may soon tear themselves apart. All sides are tossing out enormous amounts of disinformation. Throw in the Media's twistings and out and out lying and it is almost impossible to know what to think.

The Practical, sensible American will think for him/herself. Trust your own judgment. Gather a variety of facts and go with what seems right. Will you always be right? Of course not, but you'll be right more often than our so called leaders and experts. Use your common sense.

Them just get on with things. Pay attention to events, but not to the interpretations of them. Do not waste a bit of time or energy on this constant uproar that has befallen us.

Even when it comes to something as seemingly objective as medic al advice, trust your own good sense. In the last 30 years, I have heard butter, eggs, coffee, red meat, alcohol, and chocolate all vilified, almost declared poison. Now, well, not so much. Every few days, opinions on foods change. In the meantime, doctors are merrily writing prescriptions for a hell broth of chemicals. Pay attention to ads for these nightmarish drugs and note the list of horrific side effects. In most cases, I would rather have the disease than the drugs.

For example, I suffer from arthritis. Embril is advertised as an effective treatment. However, it wipes out your immune system, which make a sort of demented sense; after all, arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The thing is, that makes you susceptible to a host of diseases and infections. One of these is pneumonia, which, without your immune system, can quickly become fatal, This was what kille the Eagle's Glenn Frye. Instead of such chemicals, I drink a little red wine in the evening, which helps a lot. The little remaining pain, I can live with.

In short, trust your own judgment. It's your life. Do what you think is right.

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