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Friday, February 3, 2017

Watch Your Back

Just this morning, I see that Tiger Woods has, once again, withdrawn fro a golf tournament with back issues. Anyone who has chronic back pains knows how debilitating and downright depressing this can be. There are ways to ease the problem, short of heavy and dangerous medications.

First, do not ever, and I don't care if it's 2 pounds, bend from the waist to pick up anything. Spread your legs to shoulder width. Bend from the knees. Straighten up using your legs to force the weight up. Those long leg muscles have a lot more strength that those small, knotty muscles in your back, arms, shoulders and neck.

Second, stretch. That's all. Just simples stretching, slow and easy. You do not gave to twist into ridiculously complicated yoga pastures. Gently stretch and twist and bend. Keep your back loose and, at the same time, stretch out your legs, since they will be taking up the slack.

Third, build stremgth through gentle exercise. There are many simple  exercises that don't require hours in a gym and expensive equipment. Lay down, Stretch out. One at a time, raise your leg as high as you comfortably can. This stretches the muscles. Then, as slowly as you can, lower the leg. This builds strength. Do ten reps, three time, resting between sets. Do this once or twice a day. Lay down as flat as you can. Bend your knees up. Then, lift the lowest part of your back off the floor, very slowly, then lower it, very slowly. Again, two sets/day, 10 reps, rest, 10, rest, 10 rest. This will build a lot of strength. Finally, simply walk. Walking stretches and builds strength in the whole body.

You really should take care of your back. It has to last a long time and it is easily damaged. So, stretch, walk, strengthen gently, and work carefully and using proper lifting techniques.

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