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Monday, February 20, 2017

Cooking - Prepare First

Folks get nervous and in a hurry when cooking. There is a simple way to stay relaxed when cooking. Get as much prep done in advance.

If your dish includes various vegetables, chop all of them before you even turn on the stove. As you finish each, put it in a container. Save things like empty butter or yogurt containers or use paper plates. Then, as you are cooking, just add them at the appropriate time. Same with meat.

You really don't want to have to be stirring, stopping to chop, going back to stirring and so on. When you get in a hurry, accidents will happen. No one wants hot, messy spills or sliced fingers.

Prepping first also gives you time to clean up before you start cooking. Messy kitchens are dangerous and just unpleasant to work in. When you chop something and set it aside, take a moment and wipe any mess. Clean your cutting board and throw any scraps in the garbage. Then, you have room to work.

Make your time in the kitchen pleasant and relaxed. Some of this prep work can be done a day in advance. When you have a few minutes, take advantage. It may seem like you are spending a little more time in the kitchen, but not really, because you have eliminated a lot of the causes of spills and accidents.

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