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Monday, February 13, 2017


I am going to  be political for a moment. The Nation os literally, physically falling apart. Today, we are witnessing a major dam in California on the brink of collapse. All over America, dams, bridges, roads, buildings and airports are in pitiful condition.

I live in Brunswick, Ga., right on the Atlantic Ocean. This year we have had 2 tropical storms and a hurricane yet we have no emergency shelters or preparation procedures. This is not an uncommon situation.

The roads in many areas all over the Country are in sad condition. This not only makes them dangerous, it puts a lot of wear and tear, and thus expense, on your vehicle. Public buildings are often not maintained and have fallen into disgraceful and downright dangerous condition.

Bridges often have maintenance issues that have gone neglected for years. Airports and railways are not properly maintained.

When proper maintenance is not done on any structure 2 things happen. One, eventually, they break down. Two, when they finally break down, it costs a lot more to fix them than the maintenance would have cost.

Still, people refuse to vote through the tax increases needed to do the work. Yes, I said tax increases. You will not get the work done free. Congress and Trump are soon to do battle over his infrastructure bill because Republican congressmen are reluctant to spend a nickel. Local and State governments are even cheaper.

Often tax money is misspent and I hate seeing tax money wasted but, unless we do something, just traveling in America will become a dangerous procedure. Stop being penny wise and pound foolish and urge politicians at all levels to get busy and repair America.

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