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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Be Flexible

The Practical American is ready for anything. We are in very strange times and anyone who says that they know how things are going to work out is lying or insane.

It looks like high tech industry is going to be the driving force of the economy. Those with an aptitude for such matters should soak up all the knowledge they can. Those not gifted in those areas will not be left out. Remember, all of those industries produce other jobs, in construction, food service, and various home services such as plumbing, carpentry and electrical repair. Health care also will be needed. In other words, if all goes well, there will be jobs for many, decent to good jobs and you need to be ready. Improve your skills. Gain experience.

But, will all go well? Who knows? Right now, it seems that a good number of things promised by the new Administration are going to be just a bit tricky to pull off, Congress, both Parties, is trying to settle back in to the same old pattern of endless and useless debate.

Then, there is the issue of Foreign Affairs. The rest of the World has been stunned by our recent actions and the rhetoric from around the World is increasingly bellicose, as is our response. Conflict traditionally stimulate economies but, in our case, we are so damn broke and our military so exhausted that I have no idea how any conflict will play out.

So, plan for the best, but be prepared for the worst, or at least the not real good. I will say once again, pay off your debts and don't create any unnecessary new ones. Learn several skills. Learn to take care of your home and car yourself, as much as possible. And, perhaps most important of all, take care of your health.

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