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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Cooking Without Recipes

Cooking is a lot more fun if you avoid recipes. Now, baking is another matter; when you bake, you need to be precise or that cake you bake may resemble a door stop. But, in every other form of cooking, learn to ad lib.

I like to go the fridge, freezer and cabinets, see what I have, and the just throw things together according to my mood. If I want to put chili powder in my spaghetti sauce, why not?

I might throw sweet potato chunks in my chili or rice into an omelet. Maybe top a burger with sliced beets ( and that is delicious) and hummus on hot dogs (also delicious). Cook what you want, however you want (of course you must also consider those you're serving, but maybe you can get them to also be adventurists)

One day, I decided to fix black beans and rice. As the beans simmered, I decided that they needed something to make them distinctive. On a whim, I added a can of beer and a cup of cashews. Folks went crazy over them.

The only thing you have to do is make sure everything is safely cooked. If you are adding raw chicken, for example, you really want to make sure it is completely cooked.

Be whimsical. You may end up with an occasional disaster, but not too often, and if you do, just laugh it off. Have fun when you cook and you might create a masterpiece.

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