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Thursday, March 23, 2017


I am issuing an alert to all gardeners. Try to avoid all pesticides. Grow pest resistant varieties of vegetables, fruits and ornamentals. If you have pests, try a non-chemical solution to the problem. There are two. One, keep an eye on your garden. If you see unwanted insects, pull them off by hand (wearing gloves, of course) and kill them. Or, put a high power nozzle on a hose a wash them off, then squash them. Also, realize that one or two bugs are not a problem; you just don't want an infestation.

Why the concern? Simple. Bees. As any gardener knows, bees are your friends. They are pollinators and darn near every plant you grow, needs pollination. An announcement was made the other day. We now have an endangered species of bees. This is a trend that has been going on for years. More and more bees are dying off, probably due to a combination of pesticides,, disease and loss of habitat.

I am not by nature an alarmist, but this is serious. Without bees, many crops will be difficult, if not impossible, to  grow. Food prices will skyrocket and famine will result, and not just in all those third world countries that you see on the news.

We must change our cultivation habits.

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