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Monday, March 6, 2017

Cook Your Food

I love salads, but I seldom eat them anymore. I have grown suspect of raw vegetables, with good reason.

We get a lot of our produce from other countries now, especially Central American countries. Nothing against the nice folks in those lands, but their in the field hygiene seems to be a bit lacking. Produce from those countries seems to come in, all too often tainted. Now, usually that is an ecoli problem. Yes, you can wash that off, but you best not miss a millimeter of the surface or by the time you eat it, the little germs will have multiplied at an alarming rate.

In addition, there are certain tiny monsters, mostly protozoans, who get inside the produce and these cannot be washed off. You must kill them by cooking and you best cook them well.

I live in Georgia and, like many, a lot of produce comes from California and, yes, that produce is often contaminated. This may be because they use many imported workers to pick and process that food. Maybe the problem has another source, but I cannot imagine what that would be.

If you can get locally grown produce, in season, do so. If not, cook your fruits and vegetables. I have had an ecoli infection and, trust me, you do not want one.

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