
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook.com

Monday, March 13, 2017


I was raised in a society that valued manners. It worked.

Now, I am seeing a culture that seems to have little use for the niceties of life. It does not work.

I am not talking Emily Post manners. I don't care of you don't use the right fork at a dinner or fail to hold out your pinky when sipping tea.

I do care about folks being civil to each other. If someone does something for you, thank them. I you say 'hello, you should get an answer. A few cordial words exchanged is even better, but some response is not asking too much.

In personal matters, manners are nice. On business, they should be mandatory.

In stores, in recent years, I find many, if not most employees to be rude. I am sometimes ignored or get a curt, half-mumbled response. I hear employees talking, across aisles about their personal issues, often interspersed with loud obscenities.

I assume that management no longer cares about this because, frequently they are standing nearby during these conversations. Sometimes they are even participating.

I am not overly sensitive and I have no objection to people talking while they work, but I do believe that some restraint and common courtesy is called for.

A polite society is one that shows it respects each individual. I am convinced that we no longer do so and that is a shame. Try showing some respect and manners and you will get my business.

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