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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Take Advantage of Opportunities

I keep coming back to this topic and I don't wish to bore people, but I have to say this again.

Remember a TV show called Dirty Jobs? The star, Mike Rowe, is promoting job training programs for trade jobs such as welding, plumbing, etc. He was on TV bemoaning the fact that he is seeing little interest in these programs from the young people who need to be taking advantage of them.

I am appalled by this. What is wrong with you people. Face it kids. You are going to have to work during your lives. Here you have a chance to take advantage of schools that will get you certified for good jobs and you are not taking advantage. Shame on you.

Nor everyone can be a doctor or lawyer. Not everyone can make it in IT work, but most folks can develop the skills needed to practice one of the many skilled trades out there. These jobs are not the most glamorous and they do require real work, but any job you will find requires work and all of them have their boring days. Get over yourselves. You need skills and you will have to work.

These jobs will allow you to make a good living and live a reasonably comfortable life. Your alternatives are limited, to say the least. If you don't learn to do something , you need to practice the following phrase: "would you like fries with that?"

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