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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Think Local

First, a note of warning. The other day, for dinner, I ate a product containing lentils. After eating a few bites, I noticed that many of those lentils were crunchy, undercooked. Do not eat undercooked lentils, unless you enjoy 3 days of stomach cramps and trips to the bathroom. It seems that, whe undercooked, they contain toxins. I can verify that.

Now, what I really want to say is that you need to start acting and thinking locally. Deal with local businesses whenever possible. Produce stands and Farmers' Markets, small clothing stores and bookshops, locally owned and operated businesses. small owner operated restaurants, these are vitally important.

Why? Well, it seems that our current administration is corporate oriented. Trump was telling the truth when he said that he wanted Washington to give up control of businesses, What he didn't say, and it is becoming very apparent, is the he is giving much of that control over to Corporate America. Corporations thrive by picking off small businesses, thus growing their own interests. They are predators.

The thing is, once we give the Nation over to those mega businesses, we lose diversity and innovation. We also lose the drive to improve. We become mediocre, settling for what they tell us we want. We lose what has made this Nation such a dynamic place to live.

I hate to bring up the fascist label, but when the government combines with big corporations to control the country, that is, by the definition of the word, fascism.

I grew up in a thriving Nation, full of quirky, ornery, creative individuals. Without your support for local businesses, that will be lost and that will be a shame.

Yes, shopping locally may cost you a dollar or two more, but I guarantee you that you will get better quality and more variety. And, you will have the good feeling of knowing that you have helped preserve our fine American spirit.

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