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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Don't Count Your Chickens

The old saying goes, 'don't count your chickens before they hatch.' Old sayings linger because they have truth. No matter which side you voted for, things have not turned out the way you thought they would.

Voted for Clinton? Well, the Nation has not gone down the drain. The economy is unchanged, health care is still around and we have not yet started burning coal and further polluting the Planet. Gay folks still have rights, as do other minorities, and the Constitution has not been revoked.

Voted for Trump? Well, the economy is not booming, health care is still not repealed and we are not mining vast quantities of coal or sinking countless new oil wells. Minority rights are still intact and the proposed budget is not a huge change.

The point of this post is not to be political. I am trying to point out that, when counting on radical change, positive or negative, you are engaging in useless and often dangerous speculation. Do not despair when change seems just around the corner. Do not celebrate when it seems that you are finally going to get your way. Things have a way of moderating. That is just human nature.

The wise and Practical American will just keep his/her eyes open, watch what's happening, and be ready to move in appropriate directions, or, as the great band Little Feat said, 'Roll With It.'

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