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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Free Yourself from the Internet

This may seem a bit hypocritical, but I am urging folks to cease their dependence on the internet. Mind you, it is useful at times and should be used appropriately, but all too many of us are overly dependent. Use it when needed for business or research, maybe a tiny bit for recreation, then get off

I am urging this because of recent events in my life. For about the last 2 weeks, I have had a lot of vision problems. Reading was impossible, TV watching was difficult, and I even had trouble crossing streets. Much of this was due to allergies and I will write more about that later, but computer use did not help. How do I know that? Easy, I quit using my computer fro most of 2 weeks. My eyes stopped burning, my vision is less blurred. I still have the allergies but simply staying aqay from computer screens has made a world of difference.

There are other benefits. I have spent more time exercising and more time talking and listening to actual people instead of communicating with electronic entities. Also, staying way from glaring and rapidly changing images has steadied my brain a bit.

Give it a try and lessen your dependence on computers. Use them when you musr, but do not overdo it. Glance away from the screen often. get a screen glare reduction device and increase the size of the print you are viewing. Take care of your eyes.

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