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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ornamental Vegetables

I assume that most of you have your gardens going. If not, shame on you, unless you live in the extreme North.

If you are growing vegetables, do not think you have to sacrifice beauty. There are many vegetables that are very attractive, as lovely as any flowering annual.

I love ornamental broccoli and kale. After all, broccoli that you eat is just an unopened flower. The ornamental varieties are as easy to grow and very pretty.  I lived near a subdivision that used these broccolis and a ruffle leaf kale with purple variegated leaves to a fine effect.

Okra has a magnificent flower that resembles a cross between a hibiscus and a pansy. In addition, once the flower passes, you are left with attractive, interesting pods. Tomatoes, besides their taste and nutrition add nice color to any garden.

Herb gardens, with their assortment of greenery are always attractive.

My point is this: be daring and do what pleases you. Do not hesitate to display beautiful vegetables as proudly as you display your roses and petunias. You can find edible plants that make fine editions to your landscape, and, if you are an apartment gardener, you can add color and texture to your plantings while growing a healthy vegetable; a rare example of having your cake and eating it, too.

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