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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

When You're Wrong, You're Wrong

The Practical American knows when to admit mistakes. No point being stubborn; just say the words, I was wrong.

For example, I believed the hype, fell for the con, and believed that the Trump Administration would actually improve the job market. Boy, was I wrong. It seems that all of those companies he claimed he had negotiated with to keep jobs in this Country were planning on staying anyway.

Then came the latest job report, which I noticed was not much reported. There was good reason for that. The projected number of new jobs was about 260000, not a great number, but not bad. The actual number was 98000, a number reminiscent of the Great Recession days.

Well, again, I was wrong. Having admitted that, there is only one thing to do, move on and adjust plans. How you adjust yours is up to you. Personally, I would start looking fpr extra jobs and new lines of work, just so you have as many options as possible. As always, pay down your debts and avoid using credit as much as possible. Things are going to get rough.

Ad mitting your wrong, about any subject is liberating. It frees you from clinging to mistakes and opens the future,

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