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Monday, November 6, 2017

Wunter's Coming

Jack Frost is knocking at the doo. Well, actually, je doesn't; knock. Je barges on in. Some like him, some don't, but either way, je can be a nice guest is you are ready.

Out doors, clean up your yard before snow and ice arrive. Trash left for the season gets kind of funky when Spring gets there. If you garden, take care of any plants you hope to have next year, each has its own needs. Tend to any lawn equipment that will be put away for the Winter; you want it ready to go in the Spring.

If you love in an extreme climate, tend to your vehicle/ Winter can be very hard on cars and trucks.

If you have pets that spend part of their days outdoors, make sure they have a warm shelter, a place to get out of the wind and rain. And, please, when the weather turns extreme, take them inside.

Check furnaces. If you use electric heaters, check the wiring. Make sure you have adequate weather stripping. It will help keep heating bills down.

Then, sit`back and enjoy Winter.

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