I love Christmas as much as anyone and I certainly hate to be The Grinch, but folks need to use a bit of self control during the Season.
Already, I am seeing people go somewhat insane with shopping fever, a condition that never ends well. Do not spend more than you can afford and try to stay away from credit. if you cannot pay cash, do not buy it,
We all would like nothing better than to give our loved ones whatever their hearts desire, but that is not possible. Those nasty old landlords, car dealers, finance companies and grocers just refuse to grant payment amnesty through the Holidays. They, Scrooge-like, want their money and, if you are honest, so do you. Most folks would not be happy if their employers stopped paying them for the Season.
Then, after New Year, come the bills. If you have used credit, you had best pay them immedieately, in full, or you begin dealing with interest, and you will never catch up, unless you grow very thrifty and disciplined. Start with those assets and avoid insane spending and save yourself the grief..
The Christmas Season is fun and family and, for many, a deeply spiritual time You can enhit akk od these things without going broke. Junior may nit get that video gane he wants and may sulk a bit but, I'm sure he'll enjoy having a roof over his head next year.
Use your head and have a Merry Christmas..
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