
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook.com

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I love meat, burgers, steaks, roast, etc, but, practicality matters, and beef is going to become a 'sometimes thing,' as Cookie Monster says of his beloved cookies. Sorry, the World is changing, growing crowded, overly hot, and dry un some places, tropically wet in others.

It takes a lot of room. food and water to raise cattle and a lot of room and water to raise the food for cattle. We will not have that luxury much longer so say so long to sirloin. While your at it, get used to goat cheese and milk.

Pork is pretty easy to raise but, be sure you trust your hog raiser. Pugs will  quite happily and successfully live on garbage, so make sure your source takes proper care of the porkers.

Chicken and Turkey will become mainstays of our diet. Please try to get free range. They are healthier and coop raising birds is obscenely cruel.

Fish? Well, rivers and oceans are not too productive these days and are terribly polluted. A tiny cod filet now costs what a huge chunk used to cost. Also, eating small filets means that fishermen are taking the young, before they have had time to reproduce a few times. Soon, they will become rare. Farm raised fish is great but, and I cannot stress this enough, buy only fish farmed in the US and Europe. The fish farms in the rest of the World are the equivalent of septic talks.

There is another fine source of animal protein that should become widely available and cheap, but there is a problem. I am talking about rabbits. They cost little to raise, are reasonably clean and they are delicious, lean and tasty. The problem, no one seems to relish the thought of eating cute little bunnies. Well, get over that. My Dad, during the Depression, kept rabbits, both for the family table, and to sell. He said that he grew to loathe the little critters but loved the meat and money. So put aside thoughts of Bugs Bunny and Peter Cottontail and get ready to eat some very tasty and healthy rabbit.

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