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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Get Ready to Move

Just a short note today. My eyes are bothering me.

Any practical American living near the ocean needs to be ready to move, sell out and head inland quickly. This not panic, just reality.

Look around on line and you will find that flooding is becoming quite an issue along the Atlantic Coast. S. Florida, especially Miami Beach; North Florida, around Jacksonville; Louisaian; the Texas Gulf Coast, especially Houston and Corpus Christi; all along the New Jersey coast.  High tide often brings water inland, any significant rainfall adds to the problem.

I;m not talking puddles. {umps are needed and run almost constantly in Miami Beach. The thing is, all the natural barriers have been ruined and the areas are now all concrete. Water comes in and has no where to go.

Add to this the rising sea levels and increasingly weird weather and you wee the problem.

Face it, the climate is changing. It may be human activity is causing it, maybe its Solar activity, maybe just a natural cycle, or even Ancient Aliens come back to muck up our lives (they are very upset the the History Channel cut their show), but none of that matters at this time. The fact is, the climate is changing. Want more proof. O live near Savannah, Ga. There has been no tropical activity there in a couple of centuries, yet last year, we had 3 tropical storms and a hurricane. There is a storm now hitting the gulf Coast and June storms are as rare as teeth in a chicken.

The Practical American would be figuring out how to move inland before the rush begins

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