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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Winter is On the Way

Where I live bow, it is hot and steamy. Tropical weather is still drifting around and California is blazing. But, like it or not, winter is coming

The Practical American will be ready when the cold wind blows.

That wind is an issue. Be sure that your weather stripping is in good shape. . That cold air will find every little gap and your heating bill may soar. Just checking that stripping may help keep you warm and save you a bundle.

Look at your winter clothing. If you need new jackets and caps and globes, buy them now. In the fall, stores have a large winter selection. Once the cold hits, the selection thins. This is especially true of thermal underwear.
Make sure your heating system is in working order. If you wait until the freeze hits, you may wait days for service.

Finally, is you live in the lands of snow and ice, make sure you have the needed attachments for your tires, such as chains and keep some rock salt to prevent slipping and sliding around your property/

Then, enhot the new season

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