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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Simple Idea for a Great Vegetable Dish

Let's be honest. Whether you love your veggies or not (I do), they can get boring. You steam them, saute them, or boil them. You toss them with butter, oil or salad dressing. Maybe, if you're feeling daring, you fry them.

Sure, you can eat them. well many of them, raw and salads can be interesting. However, more and more, I am a bit nervous about raw vegetables. Many times, they are imported from nations that have, shall we say, less than ideal sanitation facilities in the fields. Bacteria get absorbed into the produce so washing does little good and you wind up spending much of the day in the bathroom. To make sure your veggies are safe, you must cook them.

Here is a way to fix something different that will make vegetables a treat again. Use  vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onion, parsnips, peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, turnips, sweet potatoes, yellow squash. Cut them into bite sized pieces. Toss them with  olive oil and any herbs you want (a bottled, dried, Italian spice blend is fine). Spread them on a baking sheet in one layer. place in a 325 oven for about 20 minutes, and that's it. You basically want the vegetables to be soft and a little caramelized. The carrots and potatoes (and parsnips - does anyone still eat these tasty vegetables  anymore?) may take a bit longer so either put them on a separate sheet or cut them into slightly smaller bites. At the opposite end, mushrooms may take less time, so, use a separate baking sheet or don't cut them as small.

The smell of these roasting vegetables is intoxicating and the taste will amaze you. You can do this with broccoli and cauliflower, but you will have to work out cooking times to suit yourself, because some folks like these veggies very firm and others, like me, like them ultra soft.  Eggplant also works, but, again, you have to experiment to suit your own taste.

There you have it; a simple tasty and quick way to make vegetables interesting.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Spring is Rught Around the Corner

Before you know it, Spring will be here. In South Georgia, where I live, winter has been very mild, even a bit warm, and, in the rest of the Country the weather has just been weird. Cheer up. Spring is at hand.

I never have understood the idea of Spring cleaning. I much prefer it do a heavy, late Winter cleaning. Why waste that nice spring weather stuck inside cleaning? Why not take advantage of that yucky, can't go out weather to clean your house from top to bottom. Put on some good, rowdy music; play it nice and loud; and tear the house apart, cleaning every nook and cranny. It's great exercise and it's good to give things a thorough job every once and a while.

If you do your own yard work, go through your tools. Make sure all motors are properly serviced and all blades are ultra-sharp. If you have a bench grinder, sharpening is easy. If not, simply use a good file. It's a bit more work, but what's your hurry; you can't go out a lot anyway.

Then when all is done, down to a nice meal. Maybe have a drink or two, if so inclined and congratulate yourself because when Spring arrives, you can enjoy things.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Do Something

People seem to get a bit down in the dumps this time of year. The holidays are gone, the bills from those holidays are coming do, some folks are blocked in by bad weather. Things just seem kind of yucky. There is a simple answer.

Just do something, almost anything will do. Clean the house, read a book, play a game, or, if you can get outdoors, take a walk. Go shopping, see a movie, grab a bite to eat. Simply do something. Humans do not so well when they sit and brood.

Lazing around is a matter of inertia, a resistance to changing the status quo. Now, if you're always on the move, being lazy for a but is worthwhile. You do need rest. But, too much rest is not a good thing. Do something different.

If you spend hours at the computer, turn it off. If you never go online, turn it on. The same can apply for TV. The idea is to break patterns of behavior, to get out of a rut.

Hobbies are great, but even the can become a trap. Hobbies can become habits and, at that point, turn from a healthy pursuit to a dull trap. Change is good. Motion is good. So, if the post holiday, winter blues has hold of you, just shake them off by doing something.

Monday, January 23, 2017


For years, nutritionists and doctors urged us all to scorn the egg. Now, not so much. It seems that the idea that eggs caused cholesterol was just not true. Eggs, when eaten as whole eggs, yolk and all, contain lecithin and that causes the cholesterol to be processed quite nicely.

Eggs are an exceptionally fine source of protein that is very easily assimilated into the body. They are reasonably low in calories. When you eat an egg, you will not suffer a let down, that crashed feeling, in a couple of hours. They pick you up quickly and keep you moving along very nicely.

There is one potential problem with eggs. They do, sometimes, carry salmonella. It is rare to encounter such a contaminated egg, but if you do, you will spend a few very unpleasant hours. The good news? Cook the egg thoroughly and the contamination is gone. personally, I like eggs soft scrambled, over light, or soft boiled, but I have learned to eat them cooked well. They're not as tasty, but it beats heavy stomach cramps and a fever.

If you have access to a refrigerator or cooler where you work, you may want to keep a boiled eggs or two on hand. When you get that mid morning or late afternoon fatigue setting in, eat an egg. It will serve you a lot better that a candy bar or pastry. (just don't leave that egg out at room temperature) Or, when you're getting ready to start your day, go ahead and eat and egg, boiled, fried, or scrambled; they're a better way to start your day than a Pop Tart.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Change is always inevitable. It's the nature of the World. Today, Donald Trump will become President and will, without doubt, be much different than Obama.

I have no intention of discussing the politics of this. The point is, change is here and the Practical American knows how to deal with change. In the words of the old Little Feat album, 'roll with it.'

Whatever your feelings about the politics, you are going to have to change also. You must stay true to your core beliefs, but you will have to bend a lot. If you oppose Trump, you will do yourself and others, not good by digging in your heels and refusing the facts at hand.

New approaches will be needed and new paths will be opened. Take advantage of what comes along. Again, you should not abandon your core beliefs, but you must be willing to change your approach to a variety of issues. Who knows? You might find better ways if you are at least somewhat open minded.

One thing for certain: You will gain nothing through ignorant ranting and raving, nor by withdrawing into a depressed shell. Change will happen and the Practical American will learn how to benefit from that change.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


You're working along and, suddenly, you start feeling a bit sluggish. You're playing with you're kids and start getting a bit grumpy. Trying to read and losing track of the story? Driving a feeling a bit light headed? Well, you are probably in need of a snack. The nutrition from your last meal has been used up. What to do?

Hands off the donuts and candy bars. Reach for some nuts. Nuts of any kind are about the best snack around. A small handful will give you a quick lift and, unlike sugary snack, you won't get hit an hour later. with a sugar crash.

Nuts are full of vitamins, minerals and proteins. They do have some fats, but they are fats our body can handle well. Mind you, I am not saying to eat a whole jar; a small handful is sufficient.

People who are trying to lose some weight often make the mistake of trying to lose it all at once. If you are eating small meals to lose those extra pounds, congratulations. You are to be commended and you will feel a lot better. But, every now and then, especially if a stressful situation pops up,  you will start losing steam. Eat a few nuts. You will feel better and it will seriously upset your diet.

When I say nuts, I am including peanuts. Yes, I know, they are actually a legume, but they are used in the diet as a nut. Besides, legumes are also good for you.

So, when you're feeling a bit slow and cranky, go nuts.

Monday, January 16, 2017


A lot of kids hate math when they are in school. Well, too bad. Kids, suck it up and learn the basics. Grown ups who did not learn basic math in school need to follow suit and learn the basics, at least.

There are good jobs out there that go unfilled because employers cannot get competent help. Part of the problem is that in any of the trades, you really do need a comprehension of basic math. If you are building or repairing anything you must be able to figure areas and compute quantities of materials. You need to work with fractions and percentages. Many cannot do this and thus cannot do the job.

Yes, there are calculators, but it is ridiculous to drag one out anytime you have to do a simple calculation. It is time consuming and employers, quite correctly, view time as money. In fact, those calculators are part of the reason kids do not really learn to work with numbers. Back in the dark ages, when I was young, such instruments did not exist and we learned to do math with pencil and paper and our brain (yes, that makes me sound old, but who cares; I learned).

There are on line courses, night schools and books in libraries. If you lack basic math skills, seek instruction. Unless you want to spend your life  serving fast food or cleaning other peoples messes, you must become competent in math.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Winter Gardening

With another ice storm about to hit large parts of the Country, most folks are not thinking about gardening. But, if you wish to have a nice Spring garden, you can get started now.

This is a fine time to plan. Look at seed catalogues and gardening guides to find varieties you want in your garden. Get an idea of how you need to space them and how quickly they grow. Then, you can sketch out a simple plan of your plot's layout. Walk around (be careful if you have ice) and get a mental picture of what you want and where you want it. If you are in an area that gets no snow and ice, you can even start to mark out your plot, using string to lay out the lines.

Some plants can be started now, using a neat trick. Build a small box, and put a sheet of glass over the top. You now have a mini greenhouse. Even when it's very cold out, you can start seedlings and be ready, when the weather breaks, to set out hardy little plants. Note: some plants do not like being transplanted, so consult your garden guide or a local nursery for advice.

Finally, this is an excellent time to spend some time with your tools. You want every blade sharpened and a; engines properly serviced. When the warm weather comes, you want to be ready.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Meatless Meals

I am not a vegetarian. I love meat. But, I also love my veggies and, from time to time, both for health and financial reasons, a meatless meal is a good idea. Now, in the warm summer, that can take the form of a good salad, b ut when it's cold out, you need something warm and hearty.

There are a few vegetables that can take the center stage in a meal. First, beans; pintos, northern, black, any will do.. They provide a world of vitamins and minerals and a good bit of protein. They can be mixed with any combination of other vegetables and herbs and, besides being healthy, they are cheap. In the old days, we used to soak the dry beans overnight, then boil them until tender. Don't bother. Simply use canned beans; they are just as good and you can still mix them with anything and get a good flavor. I do not recommend frozen; they have no texture and come out like little rocks.

Mushrooms are another option. You do not have to use the expensive varieties. They are great, but you get good flavor from the plain old button  mushrooms. Remember, they cook quickly and they will absorb a lot of liquid.  Again, they have a meaty texture and will blend well with almost anything.

Then we have eggplant. This vegetable has a wonderful meaty texture and taste. Grilled, it is very nice. Like mushrooms, it will take a lot of liquid and if you saute it, it will take as much oil as you give it. Too many people think immediately of eggplant Parmesan, which is a fine dish, but let me give you a simple option. Peel and chop your eggplant into about 1 inch cubes ( it doesn't have to be exact). Boil in salty water until almost tender. Drain and set aside. Saute some celery and onion until tender and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, crumble a sleeve of Saltine crackers, add eggplant, celery and onion, then enough cold milk to make the whole thing a bit soupy. Add black pepper and thyme to taste. Then, stir in two beaten eggs and pour into a greased baking dish. Cover and cook at 325 about 45 minutes. Remove from oven, uncover, and top with bread crumbs and grated cheese (whatever you like) and put it under a broiler until the crumbs start to brown. Let sit for 10 minutes and serve. It should have the texture of a good turkey stuffing and, oddly enough, everyone I've served it to agrees that it tastes like baked oysters.

Meat gets expensive and, while it is good for you, here and there, it is nice to serve an inexpensive, tasty, healthy meal centered around vegetables.

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Request

I'm taking time out today, from my usual ranting and babbling, to ask for a bit of help. No, this is not a request for money, but I have a situation.

I live in Brunswick, Ga, with my long time friend, Deb. We wish to move to N. Georgia, near, but not in Atlanta. This is just not a good place for us to live.

However, in this town, there are no train stations, no Greyhound stations, the only airport is for small private planes, and we have no car. Neither of us, due to vision issues, can curretntly drive.

We would like suggestions on how we might get to N. Georgia. We do not have a lot of belongings and we would be more than happy to pay for transport.

If you have any suggestions, please contact me. If anyone knows the feasibility of using Uber for long trips, your comments would be welcome. If you, or someone reliable who you know, wish to make a little money for about a 7 hour drive , please contact me. Contact me at wrightjohn996@yahoo.com.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Back To Work

The Holidays are over. The wonderful days of feasting and parties, of drinking and celebrating, of turkey and egg nog, are gone for another year. It is sad, in a way, but that really doesn't matter in the least, because they're over. Get to work.

Holidays are only fun because they are breaks from the norm. The norm is work and there is a lot to do. This will be a year of change. We have more than just a change in Administrations in our Government, we have a change in the whole philosophy we will be governed by. Like it or not, this year will be very different and the Practical American will be ready.

Do not be distracted by all the debate and quarrelling we are about to hear. Do your job, whatever it is, efficiently and cheerfully. At the same time, learn to do as many things as you can. If you have a trade, say plumbing, learn carpentry and/ or electrical work. If you have a brand new IT degree, good for you; now learn a trade. Got an MBa? Wonderful, learn the hospitality business. Why?

Simple. We are entering a time of change and one of the biggest area of change will be the economy. No one knows what twists and turns the job market will take, The more things you can do, the more sure you are of employment.

Take care of yourself physically. We do not have a clue how the whole health care mess will turn out, but if you are healthy, your worry goes down a lot.

Pay down your debts. I know that I write that a lot, but it is one of the keys to financial success. If you have to work two jobs for a while, get to it. In uncertain times, you absolutely do not want debt. At the same time, watch your spending. I don't think anyone should live like a recluse, eating Ramen noodles and cheap hot dogs, but use a bit of sense and don't overdo your luxuries.

In short, use your head and get to work. Those are the keys to, not just surviving, but thriving in the New Year.

Monday, January 2, 2017


Ah, the Holidays are over and, after a raucous New Year, many are waking to the joy os a hangover. You won't die, trust me, but you may feel like it. Despair not. There is a cure.

Drink some water, a lot of water. Maybe throw in some Gatorade for the electrolytes. Alcojol dehydrates and you must rebalance your fluids.

Eat something that includes a lot of bread. Heck, just eat some bread. This puts something in your stomach that will take up all the noxious chemicals that are rolling around in their and will rid you of that awful alcohol taste in your mouth.

Then, take some aspirin for that headache. Do not take this until you have water and food. Your stomach will not be happy.

Then, get outside. Get some fresh air and move around. You don't need to run a marathon, just some gentle exercise. If you sweat a bit, that's great.

Then take a nap. After an alcohol binge, you do not sleep, you pass out. They are not the same.

After that, you should be fine. Maybe not at your best, but pretty good.

Last note: There is of course the 'hair of the dog' treatment; in other words, having another drink or two. This does work, in a sense, but it really just delays the inevitable. If you feel so rotten that you feel you must have another drink to settle your nerves, make yourself eat, limit your drink to one, then get some sleep. Be careful; this is how drinking problems get started.

Anyway, you'll live.