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Monday, February 27, 2017

Starting a Small Business

A lot of folks think it would be just great to start their own little business. Just think. No bosses, set your own deadlines, That would be great. Well, maybe yes and maybe no. My Dad owned a small business for many years, so let me pass on some tips.

First, get all of your required licenses and insurance and keep immaculate tax records. I have known many who started small businesses and ignored this and everyone of them ended up in a lot of trouble. Yes, it will cost you some money, possibly a lot, but you must do it right or suffer the consequences. Trust me. You will get caught.

Second, be ready to lose money for several years. It takes time to get going. To get an SBA loan, you must prove that you can get along for 5 years, making loan payments, covering all operating costs, and, of course, surviving personally. This may sound harsh, but it is really simple basic sense. Most small businesses fail and most do so in the first year or two.

Third, look at your community. You may really be a great cook and have a mind to start a little diner, but, will your community support one. If they are a bunch of small eateries around, probably not, unless you can do something extraordinary. Even then, you will have a hard go. Want to start a lawn service? Find out how much competition you will have. If everyone around you has a service, you will have to underbid them all and you must ask yourself if you can do that and make a living.

If you think you can make a go, great. But, you may want to think about keeping your regular job and pursue your new business in your spare time. This way you can get a feel for how you will do.

If it seems that I am trying to discourage you, you are right. Starting your own little business is a big step and you will suffer a lot of headaches. If you make it, congratulations. You will be glad you did it. But, consider yourself very lucky. Most fail.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Think for Yourself

When you read or watch the news, you will find an amazing and baffling assortment of views. Politically, all, contrary to what Trump says, is total chaos. The Left and Right, the Democrats and Republicans, may well get violent in their opposition to each other. In fact, inter party strife may soon tear themselves apart. All sides are tossing out enormous amounts of disinformation. Throw in the Media's twistings and out and out lying and it is almost impossible to know what to think.

The Practical, sensible American will think for him/herself. Trust your own judgment. Gather a variety of facts and go with what seems right. Will you always be right? Of course not, but you'll be right more often than our so called leaders and experts. Use your common sense.

Them just get on with things. Pay attention to events, but not to the interpretations of them. Do not waste a bit of time or energy on this constant uproar that has befallen us.

Even when it comes to something as seemingly objective as medic al advice, trust your own good sense. In the last 30 years, I have heard butter, eggs, coffee, red meat, alcohol, and chocolate all vilified, almost declared poison. Now, well, not so much. Every few days, opinions on foods change. In the meantime, doctors are merrily writing prescriptions for a hell broth of chemicals. Pay attention to ads for these nightmarish drugs and note the list of horrific side effects. In most cases, I would rather have the disease than the drugs.

For example, I suffer from arthritis. Embril is advertised as an effective treatment. However, it wipes out your immune system, which make a sort of demented sense; after all, arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The thing is, that makes you susceptible to a host of diseases and infections. One of these is pneumonia, which, without your immune system, can quickly become fatal, This was what kille the Eagle's Glenn Frye. Instead of such chemicals, I drink a little red wine in the evening, which helps a lot. The little remaining pain, I can live with.

In short, trust your own judgment. It's your life. Do what you think is right.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Cooking - Prepare First

Folks get nervous and in a hurry when cooking. There is a simple way to stay relaxed when cooking. Get as much prep done in advance.

If your dish includes various vegetables, chop all of them before you even turn on the stove. As you finish each, put it in a container. Save things like empty butter or yogurt containers or use paper plates. Then, as you are cooking, just add them at the appropriate time. Same with meat.

You really don't want to have to be stirring, stopping to chop, going back to stirring and so on. When you get in a hurry, accidents will happen. No one wants hot, messy spills or sliced fingers.

Prepping first also gives you time to clean up before you start cooking. Messy kitchens are dangerous and just unpleasant to work in. When you chop something and set it aside, take a moment and wipe any mess. Clean your cutting board and throw any scraps in the garbage. Then, you have room to work.

Make your time in the kitchen pleasant and relaxed. Some of this prep work can be done a day in advance. When you have a few minutes, take advantage. It may seem like you are spending a little more time in the kitchen, but not really, because you have eliminated a lot of the causes of spills and accidents.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Cooking Without Recipes

Cooking is a lot more fun if you avoid recipes. Now, baking is another matter; when you bake, you need to be precise or that cake you bake may resemble a door stop. But, in every other form of cooking, learn to ad lib.

I like to go the fridge, freezer and cabinets, see what I have, and the just throw things together according to my mood. If I want to put chili powder in my spaghetti sauce, why not?

I might throw sweet potato chunks in my chili or rice into an omelet. Maybe top a burger with sliced beets ( and that is delicious) and hummus on hot dogs (also delicious). Cook what you want, however you want (of course you must also consider those you're serving, but maybe you can get them to also be adventurists)

One day, I decided to fix black beans and rice. As the beans simmered, I decided that they needed something to make them distinctive. On a whim, I added a can of beer and a cup of cashews. Folks went crazy over them.

The only thing you have to do is make sure everything is safely cooked. If you are adding raw chicken, for example, you really want to make sure it is completely cooked.

Be whimsical. You may end up with an occasional disaster, but not too often, and if you do, just laugh it off. Have fun when you cook and you might create a masterpiece.

Monday, February 13, 2017


I am going to  be political for a moment. The Nation os literally, physically falling apart. Today, we are witnessing a major dam in California on the brink of collapse. All over America, dams, bridges, roads, buildings and airports are in pitiful condition.

I live in Brunswick, Ga., right on the Atlantic Ocean. This year we have had 2 tropical storms and a hurricane yet we have no emergency shelters or preparation procedures. This is not an uncommon situation.

The roads in many areas all over the Country are in sad condition. This not only makes them dangerous, it puts a lot of wear and tear, and thus expense, on your vehicle. Public buildings are often not maintained and have fallen into disgraceful and downright dangerous condition.

Bridges often have maintenance issues that have gone neglected for years. Airports and railways are not properly maintained.

When proper maintenance is not done on any structure 2 things happen. One, eventually, they break down. Two, when they finally break down, it costs a lot more to fix them than the maintenance would have cost.

Still, people refuse to vote through the tax increases needed to do the work. Yes, I said tax increases. You will not get the work done free. Congress and Trump are soon to do battle over his infrastructure bill because Republican congressmen are reluctant to spend a nickel. Local and State governments are even cheaper.

Often tax money is misspent and I hate seeing tax money wasted but, unless we do something, just traveling in America will become a dangerous procedure. Stop being penny wise and pound foolish and urge politicians at all levels to get busy and repair America.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Weather Stripping

If it's cold where you live and you feel the wind seeping in, shame on you. Always, when the seasons change, check your weather stripping.

Good weather stripping and good seals around your windows will save you a bundle on heating bills. There are many types and a trip to any hardware store will give you ample choices. Some stick with adhesives and some are tacked on and either works fine. Just follow the instructions on the package. If you have problems or questions, the sales help at the store can advise you. If they can't or won't help you, find another store.

Windows are easy. Just find a good caulk. When you calk, don't put it on any thicker than you need to cover the area. Too thick and things get messy. Always keep a damp rag handy and don't be afraid to use you fingers; you will likely need to use them to even things out. Don't worry; it washes right off. Be neat. Little looks as shabby as sloppy caulking.

You will get a double pay off when summer gets here. Having your doors and windows properly sealed will cut the cost of running your air conditioner substantially. Just think; a few minutes effort will save you a lot of money. So be smart and check your doors and windows for leaks and fix them promptly.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Be Flexible

The Practical American is ready for anything. We are in very strange times and anyone who says that they know how things are going to work out is lying or insane.

It looks like high tech industry is going to be the driving force of the economy. Those with an aptitude for such matters should soak up all the knowledge they can. Those not gifted in those areas will not be left out. Remember, all of those industries produce other jobs, in construction, food service, and various home services such as plumbing, carpentry and electrical repair. Health care also will be needed. In other words, if all goes well, there will be jobs for many, decent to good jobs and you need to be ready. Improve your skills. Gain experience.

But, will all go well? Who knows? Right now, it seems that a good number of things promised by the new Administration are going to be just a bit tricky to pull off, Congress, both Parties, is trying to settle back in to the same old pattern of endless and useless debate.

Then, there is the issue of Foreign Affairs. The rest of the World has been stunned by our recent actions and the rhetoric from around the World is increasingly bellicose, as is our response. Conflict traditionally stimulate economies but, in our case, we are so damn broke and our military so exhausted that I have no idea how any conflict will play out.

So, plan for the best, but be prepared for the worst, or at least the not real good. I will say once again, pay off your debts and don't create any unnecessary new ones. Learn several skills. Learn to take care of your home and car yourself, as much as possible. And, perhaps most important of all, take care of your health.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Watch Your Back

Just this morning, I see that Tiger Woods has, once again, withdrawn fro a golf tournament with back issues. Anyone who has chronic back pains knows how debilitating and downright depressing this can be. There are ways to ease the problem, short of heavy and dangerous medications.

First, do not ever, and I don't care if it's 2 pounds, bend from the waist to pick up anything. Spread your legs to shoulder width. Bend from the knees. Straighten up using your legs to force the weight up. Those long leg muscles have a lot more strength that those small, knotty muscles in your back, arms, shoulders and neck.

Second, stretch. That's all. Just simples stretching, slow and easy. You do not gave to twist into ridiculously complicated yoga pastures. Gently stretch and twist and bend. Keep your back loose and, at the same time, stretch out your legs, since they will be taking up the slack.

Third, build stremgth through gentle exercise. There are many simple  exercises that don't require hours in a gym and expensive equipment. Lay down, Stretch out. One at a time, raise your leg as high as you comfortably can. This stretches the muscles. Then, as slowly as you can, lower the leg. This builds strength. Do ten reps, three time, resting between sets. Do this once or twice a day. Lay down as flat as you can. Bend your knees up. Then, lift the lowest part of your back off the floor, very slowly, then lower it, very slowly. Again, two sets/day, 10 reps, rest, 10, rest, 10 rest. This will build a lot of strength. Finally, simply walk. Walking stretches and builds strength in the whole body.

You really should take care of your back. It has to last a long time and it is easily damaged. So, stretch, walk, strengthen gently, and work carefully and using proper lifting techniques.