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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Think, Plan, Read

It is so easy to see a problem, have an idea, or buy something new, and just leap in, thinking, "oh, how hard can this be; let me knock this job right out." I have done this, as have most everyone else I know, and, quite often, hours or even days later, you're still trying to straighten out the mess you made.

Thought is a big part of any job. Think of what you need. Think of the steps required to get it done. Make sure you have all of the materials you need and all of your tools at hand. Make sure your workplace is clean, neat and large enough.

Plan your steps. Consult pre-drawn plans, if you have any, and, if not, take the time to make a little sketch. Leave room to make notes  and list dimensions. Carpenters say, 'measure twice, cut once." That advice works for any kind of project. Once you have your component parts in order and have cut your materials to size, lay them out, following your plans, and make sure everything is in order before you start the final assembly.

Read directions. I don't care how simple things seem, make sure you are doing things the right way. One mistake and you may have to scrap the whole project and start over. You can waste a lot of time and money this way. I am as guilty as anyone of looking at something and thinking, 'I got this figured,' and ignoring the instructions, only to look around and hour later and say, 'uh oh, where are those instructions.' I used to do that. No more. Read directions and follow them.

It easy very easy to turn a 10 minute repair job into a 2 day nightmare. I know; I've done it and so has everyone else I know. Take the time to think, plan and read and you will save time and money, a lot of both.

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