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Monday, July 18, 2016

Food - Simple Can Be Great

We all love to eat. In fact, we generally eat too much. That aside, we often make a really big deal out of meals. Cooking shows and recipe books are filled with elaborate meals involving exotic ingredients and multiple steps. That is fine, on occasion, but it is just too much for everyday life.

Often, as an alternative, we turn to take out and frozen food. Again, that is fine, here and there, but a steady diet of that is boring and pricey.

As a third alternative, we often turn to, well, junk. Boxed mac and cheese, spaghetti, hot dogs, stuff like that. Now, such foods are cheap, and, as with any food, alright at times, but they lack nourishment.

There are alternatives, simple, tasty easy meals. The simplest are the ones you cook in one pot, stews, soups, etc. You can put darn near anything you want in them, add water or broth, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer. In one pot, you cook your meat, veggies, and carbs and it always comes out tasty.

One example is a simple dish, the kind once known as peasant food. If that is an accurate description, then I proudly declare that I am a peasant. I am talking about beans and rice. Just cooks some beans in water, if you want to start with dry beans, but, I am lazy and use canned beans. Any kind, they are all good. Add some meat, bacon, sausage, ham hocks, or, if watching your fat intake, smoked turkey. Add onions, peppers (hot, sweet or both), garlic, rice and let it simmer. Or, use potatoes instead, For more flavor, add a can of dice tomatoes. You can also add celery, cabbage, whatever you want. Just let it simmer for a while and you have an excellent, health, tasty meal.

Really you can put just about anything you want in the pot and it will come out well. If you have a crock pot, life is even easier since you can put it on before you go to work and it will be perfect when you get home. There you have it, good, healthy, simple and very inexpensive.

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