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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Stop Wasting Time Complaining

We all complain. When there is a job to do, whether at home or your job, it is all too human to complain. We sit around and bemoan the fact that we have to do this and that and fuss over how much of our time is spent at our tasks. I did it and I am sure all of you do it. If you don't, then you are in the minority.

One day, I had an epiphany. I realized that I might be spending more time and energy fussing about what I had to do than I did actually doing it. Well, I thought, that can't be true but, as a test, I started keeping track of each job that day. O actually timed how long I spent complaining and how long it took to do the job and, guess what? I was wasting a lot of time and energy on uselessly complaining.

To further the test, I watched my co-workers and found that they too, were spending way too much time kvetching. Then, I applied the same test at home, with the same results.

Just do your work. You're going to have to so it anyway so why waste your time and energy. If your boss has a difficult job for you, just get to it. You'll have a happier boss, you can move onto easier work and you won't be as tired and grumpy.

If you're asked to do an unpleasant task at home, get to it. Everyone, including you, will be happier and home life will be smoother. You will have more time for fun.

So stop complaining. It is in your best interest.

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