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Monday, July 11, 2016

Brown Bag Linch and Save Money

I know that it's great to get away from work for a bit at lunch time, but is it really worth it. Stop and think. Most folks get a limited break, 30 minutes, an hour if you're lucky. You have to get to the place you want and back. It takes time to get the food and then you end up having to eat on the way back. What could have been a relaxing period is just hectic.

Then, there is the expense. It is hard to get a decent lunch for $5. For that same $5, you can buy bread, tuna or eggs, and eat for 2, maybe 3 days. There are further plusses. You automatically limit your calorie  consumption and you get to rest. It is so nice to put up your feet, eat a relaxed lunch and have a few minutes left over to just rest.

Of course, you need not limit your lunch to sandwiches. If you job has a fridge in the break room, take a salad. If not, buy a little cooler with one of those blue ice packs. Many businesses provide a microwave, so you can warm up last night's leftovers or a small frozen dinner.

I have seen people get very inventive. I once knew a guy who had a roofing company. Everyday, as his crew started work, they would stop at a store and buy a couple of chickens, or a nice chuck roast. They would season the meat, wrap it tight in several layers of foil, then stick it down in the hot tar pot. The meat never absorbed any taste from the tar and by lunchtime, it was cooked to falling apart perfection. Add some bread and everyone had a fine lunch at little cost.

I wouldn't expect most people to go you that extreme, but you get my point. By packing your own lunch, you are likely to get a healthier meal, you'll have more free time during your break and you will definitely save a lot of money. All with very little work. You can't lose.

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