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Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Cheap Refreshing Drink for Hot Summer Days

I learned this trick when I was working in a school kitchen. Take a large container. 2 gallons is good, but it should be at least 1 gallon. You are going to add a small amount of finely cut fruit or chopped herbs (or berries or cucumber). Fill with water and refrigerate for a couple of hours. You will have a nicely flavored, healthy, almost calorie free drink.

For example: thinly slice one orange, peel and all, or 2 lemons and/or limes.
                      a thin sliced cucumber with peel aand a quarter cup or so of chopped mint or
                      10 thin sliced strawberries with a quarter cup chopped mint 

You get the idea. Just a small amount of flavoring, you're not making juice, just adding some taste to your water. Of course, the better the water the better the flavor but, really, just tap water works fine.

This is called spa water and I think you may be surprised at how tasty and refreshing it is. We served it to kids used to soda and sweet drinks (ie lemonade and energy drinks) and they loved it. Refreshing, great taste, and not enough calories to count. You can't beat it.

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